Minecraft Servers

S O T O R A — True Survival // Lots of Quests, Fun, & Cringe

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nroj95's Avatar nroj95
Level 1 : New Miner
S O T O R A     —     True Survival // Lots of Quests, Fun, & Cringe
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Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Welcome to the awesome world of Sotora – home to the legendary tales of Alfred and Geir.... ❤️

We've got a whole bunch of different biomes and plugins on our server, from sky-high trees to epic snowball PvP battles. Feel free to explore and go on adventures to hunt down the ingredients for the biggest hamburger you've ever seen, or why not try some role-playing with a villager and start your very own virtual family? There's loads of fun to be had here, so let your creativity run wild! Come on over and join us!


Vision — It's kind of a semi-anarchy server. We've got a few rules, but mostly it's just about having a good time without too much of "rule this and rule that". Also, I am currently the only guy working on this server so don't expect it to be super fancy. The server is intended to be simple, but with enough cringe, jokes, bad taste, etc. to keep you coming back for more!

True Survival — Survival is key here! Dying means a 1/3 reduction of your currency ( LUX/☀ ), as well as mcMMO levels. So don't just jump off a cliff, like you usually do!

Note — There are certain things on the server that might not be appropriate for small children. I've tried to make it somewhat friendly for all ages, but yeah, your child will probably not get a nightmare from this, but the cringe and jokes can be, yeah, highly inappropriate at certain times.....

Second Note — This server has a Playtime Limit System. Each player has a limit of one hour playtime per day. This was originally meant to make me go outside and touch grass once in a while.......

Non-commercial Forever — This server is completely non-commercial and will always stay that way!

Friendly Community — Right now we are a group of 3 close friends that play regularly.


Arboria, Terralith, 1000+ Quests, 400+ New Blocks, New Mobs, Custom Villagers, Custom mcMMO Setup, Custom Jobs Setup, Custom Items, blah, blah, blah, and lots of cringe!

PvP is enabled, but it's limited to almost-harmless snowballs. It's more fun than you'd think. Come have a snowball fight with me!

Try It and See.........


We also have "simple voicechat" and a small discord if you're interested in any of that........


• Implementation of Deadly Disasters plugin
• Custom Event and Custom Boss Fight (which will be massive cringe)
• Simple Wiki Page

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