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RPDND - A 5e Dungeons & Dragons Roleplay Experience - 1.18.2

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Kyazi's Avatar Kyazi
Level 45 : Master Botanist
RPDND - A 5e Dungeons & Dragons Roleplay Experience - 1.18.2
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Game VersionMinecraft Java
     RPDND (Roleplay DND Experience!)
          WW Freshly updated to 1.18! WW
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RPDND - A 5e Dungeons & Dragons Roleplay Experience - 1.18.2 Minecraft Server

Discord Invite: Here
Website Link: Here
Age Requirement: 16+ Years Old
No Applications for Civilians Only Adventurers
Greylist Server - Log in and roleplay
Version: 1.18.2
RPDND was created through the hard work of our volunteers and community. A welcoming environment ready to teach anyone how to play DnD or interact in a roleplay setting. We do not reject or discriminate you based on your orientation, religion, race, or even how long your beard is (I see you dwarves out there). Come to RPDND with good intentions and you will find a great community to be involved with. So join us as we play dungeons and dragons online.
CreditThe community who helped beta test and stuck with me since the beginning. The volunteers who took the time to get projects done in a timely manner. Thank you

5 Update Logs

Update #5 : by Kyazi 05/17/2023 6:48:27 amMay 17th, 2023

Associations incoming! Starting June 1st we will be leaving our old guild system behind for a new system called Associations :) Learn more on our discord or join in and prepare!

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09/28/2023 4:20 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Sylvdox's Avatar
I am new to reviews but oh well. This server's community is very charming and is always there to help you with whatever you may need and assist you if you are confused. They are overall a very friendly and charming community. Even though keep in mind this server is RP-focused so yes. If you are a roleplay fan then you will truly enjoy your time here! For example, I own a gem shop named Blossom's Bounty which excels in selling expensive gems! So yes.

You can do plenty of things! From buying pre-made shops or stalls to buying commercial plots to make your shop! You can also have a house! I do have a house and a shop and I am living a nice life so yes! This server might be confusing at first but once you get settled into it then you will get to love it just like mostly everyone who joins us stays with us. Thank you Kyazi and everyone else who took part in this amazing project! I welcome you all to RPDND!
09/26/2023 8:27 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Takora_'s Avatar
I haven't been around the server for very long, but I've enjoyed the hell out of my short time here. I look forward to getting more involved with the community over the next couple of months / years / etc. :> - Some Dweeb Tako
09/26/2023 8:17 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Lyzibeth's Avatar
I've been on this server for more than a year and am currently a Game Master for this server, and i must state that there is no community out there like it. It is diverse, full of a rainbow of people, and a close knit community that provides fun and memorable game play. In my time here i have met many friends, even brought some here, where they have made friends to last for years. It may have its ups and downs but this server is definitely an experience i can recommend. -GM Lyzibeth
09/26/2023 8:11 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Miner
Stormbringer917's Avatar
This has got to be the best minecraft server out there. I am a Dungeon Master for this server, and I must say it had been the most exhilarating time of my life hands down. Things that have happened since I joined the server: Graduated College, found my future life in my girlfriend (Met on this server) and her kids (Kandy - see previous reviews). I joined last January, and since then I have grown not only within the server, but as a person too. I highly recommend this server if you want to have good, long lasting friendships with the people around you. The roleplay is fun, and the events are even more fun. I was welcomed initially into this server with open arms and I love it here.
04/26/2023 9:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Kandy563's Avatar
Hello, hello, hi! Kandy here. I have been part of this community for some time. I took a bit of an extended break, but I came back and was welcomed back warmly. Everyone here is super friendly and welcoming. I have made very many lasting friendships on this server and reconnected with some old ones as well. The DMs here are super active and helpful, especially if you're new to Dungeons and Dragons. And when you are fighting hideous beasts and solving tricky puzzles there is almost always someone to roleplay with at the tavern, the arena, or just the guild commons.

All and all it's a wonderful community to be part of! I spend most, if not all of my free time here and I wouldn't trade it for any other server!
04/26/2023 9:38 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
DillyPickle's Avatar
Hello! I have been part of this community for roughly almost 2 years now-- I think that's a good enough time for a honest review....

Over my time on the server I played multiple characters and met SEVERAL people... people that are life long friends. RPDND is a place I can always find myself going back to. From the roleplay to the events-- The community is something that can't really compare when it comes to other MCRP servers.

I can always rely on RPDND to be my go to place to play my silly goofy character... :)

EDIT: I take back everything. Don't come here. The community sucks ASS and is SUPER toxic.
01/19/2024 7:42 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
jamesC0b's Avatar
So informative thank you.
02/14/2023 3:43 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Mythweavers's Avatar
myth's review
wow so cool
so cool
so cool
so cool

so cool
02/13/2023 7:41 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Mythweavers's Avatar

Okay, actual review.

I am Myth W. Eavers.
I'm someone who enjoys writing and roleplay in most mediums and have been doing it for quite a while.
Experimented with a few mediums based in forums, discord, video games, etc. Minecraft's been an interesting medium to do RP with and it seems plenty of folks like doing it through Minecraft.

I've seen plenty of roleplay servers come and go. Some are put together to cater to a specific niche before eventually falling apart due to internal dynamics or lack of interest. Plenty of rise and fall in the MCRP communities, it's a tough world out here. That said, the MCRP community is pretty niche and you'll tend to see a lot of familiar players exchanging between servers based on what's good and bad.

I'm a more recent player to RPDND due to having been with the community for only a few months now. I say recent, because I know some MCRP players are crazy wackos who stick to a server for years and such.
So after having been here for some time and judging its community, rp quality, and mechanics, I'd like to think I've got a good grasp of the community to give a proper review and rating.

I give RPDND an 8/10.

Meta-Analysis: taking a look at the server in contrast to others and for general values.

Compared to most other servers, big name or small, RPDND's community is felt rather quickly. First and foremost, it's a community of players who enjoy Dungeons & Dragons. Whether that's its roleplay potential or its mechanics in other regards, everyone here has a shared passion for it- and a love for getting new people into the scene.
Though the player count averages around 14-20, the discord is rather active with plenty of chatters new and old.
There is an age requirement of 16+ I imagine due to easier maturity management, but the server isn't all folks with a foot in the grave as much as some readers might think.

I'd say there's a good blend of ages that the community.
It doesn't feel too intimidating as walking into a game store full of adult TTRPG veterans or as weird as trying DnD at your local library with a bunch of wee adolescents.
All sorts of folk from 16-30s that get along mostly fine and there's generally no weirdness either that I've heard of the kind of which seems somewhat rampant in most other servers. I'm rather confident most MCRPers will know what I refer to.

Regarding toxicity and conflict in the community: From what I can observe, it's surprisingly minimal.
DnD 5e is a system that allows straightforward mechanics to apply to your character and thus there'll be far less deliberations and contests of wills between players/characters when conflict does occur. However, those moments are very rare and even then, such things are monitored and accounted for by the rules.
DnD isn't really a PvP game and this server isn't really catered towards a PvP style of roleplay. If you intend to get on and try to stir the pot right off the bat you might find you'll have a hard time. That is not to say character conflict isn't allowed.

I don't think there's been many instances of Player Conflict that I can think of.
Well, on the server. This excludes moments in Voice Chat where folks don't know how to read the room or give other folks their talking time. But this is rather low-tier conflict, boundaries are set rather quickly and most other players will respect them if you speak up.

Staff also doesn't really have an ego. I know on most other servers that's a problem suffered commonly but most of the volunteers are actually just players who're trying to help other players figure stuff out or have a better time. Owner also ain't the type to go on a power trip like most others and generally just want the best for the community and players that hop on. I know they go chasing after new players who leave in order to ask for input.

Though DnD 5e is a game that involves a host and players, I speak mostly from a player's perspective.
I cannot speak for the Volunteer (Dungeon Masters, Game Masters, Builders, etc) experience as I am not a volunteer. I do know however, that it's a bit of a burden and most of us meager players in the community are very grateful for them.
If you are a DM and you want to start hosting things, I don't think it's particularly easy to get right into.
Its preferred you spend some time on the server as a player, which is reasonable. I know you'll also have to learn part of the lore for the environment we're in.

If you're a player coming from another narrative environment or suffer from Dollhouse Syndrome (carrying around specific characters that you love a lot) then you're in luck. You don't have to know much of the current world's lore to get right in as there's a method for your character to get in pretty easily. Just slap DnD 5e mechanics onto your existing character and they can be ported in from another realm!

I'll cover getting into the server and the actual narrative/IC resource quality in a Part 2, but know for now I recommend the server a fair bit!
01/31/2023 6:13 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Idnwannabefamous's Avatar
Having the luxury of a no-kids environment with roleplay, a good choice for anyone who enjoys dnd and minecraft, and doesn't mind being unserious at times
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