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RonJermyl's Avatar RonJermyl
Level 1 : New Miner
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United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
A Minecraft Server
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Welcome to RJAF a new small server looking for players. We plan on staying with as a smaller community ~25 player cap. We have big plans for this server, and for players who are interested are always looking for new staff.


- Survival : Yes we have some extra plugins on our server to make life simpler, However; RJAF at its Core is still a Survival based server.

- Economy : We have an Admin Shop and you can buy new Claim Area using your money.

- Jobs : If you liked that Economy idea boy do I have a plugin for you! Jobs are a great way to make money, and track experience. As well as compete for the top spot in your industry.

- Land Claiming : Thanks to our Claims plugin you have no need to worry about Griefers, Build to your hearts Desire.

- Always looking to Add More! : Myself and the Other staff are always looking to add more plugins and are very excited to make you're experience the best it can be

- Community Discord : We have a Discord so you can chat will all your favorite members of the Community in as many ways as you please! It also is a great way to get a hold of a staff member if you need help with anything and we aren't online!


- Be Respectful

- Be Ethical

- Use Common Sense

- No Excessive Swearing ( Swearing Is Allowed, don't overdue it aka. see Rules 1 - 3)

- No Slurs

- No Advertising (Yourself or Other Servers)

Hope to See You Online Soon!


Discord: https://discord.gg/ysAYese

Version : 1.15.2 / With Plans to Continuously Update.

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