Minecraft Servers

Redstone Weekly Server

  • 258 views, 0 today
  • 3 server score
  • 0 Votes this month
  • 3
  • 1
Kraggle09's Avatar Kraggle09
Level 20 : Expert Explorer
Status Pinging...
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
Java 1.20.4 or Bedrock 1.20.80 only! The server will update to 1.21 in the coming weeks! Stay tuned!
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Want a positive, fun, and kid-friendly community to join? The Redstone Weekly server is for you! This server features a vibrant community of players, all in a fresh new map!

  • Survival map, with land claiming and no PVP, allowing for a fun survival experience!
  • Squeaky clean chat! This server has strict chat filtering, so you can rest assured that this server is ok for all ages!
  • Java and Bedrock crossplay! Using GeyserMC, Bedrock players can connect to the Java server, allowing anyone to join!
  • Roads! No need to build roads connecting your bases, as they're already there! Just connect your path to the road, and you'll easily be able to get from one place to another!
  • Warps! Through the portals in the main building, you can teleport to far of biomes with ease!
  • Helpful community! Have questions? Just drop them into chat! Even if nobody's online, I'll see your message in the logs, and put a sign near your base answering your question!
  • Fresh map! This world was generated in 1.20, meaning you'll get access to all the new stuff in 1.20, without having to travel 1,000 blocks away from spawn!
  • Beds at spawn! If you don't have a bed just yet, feel free to sleep in the beds in the main building! Only 30% of players need to be in a bed to skip the night, so you won't have to wait for everybody to get in a bed!
  • Community Challenges! Every so often, I'll host a challenge for members of the server to participate in! The reward for winning a challenge is a Nether Star!
Be sure to listen to the podcast for context, announcements, and other server related info!


Q: Oh neat, a redstone server?
A: Nope, this server isn't primarily about redstone. It's named after my podcast of the same name.

Q: Help! I got banned when I didn't do anything!
A: Appeal to be unbanned here.

Q: Hey why don't I see any armadillos or new wolves?
A: Although 1.20.5 is out, the server will stay on 1.20.4 until all the plugins have been updated. Bedrock players can join on the latest version (1.20.80), but Java players need to play on 1.20.4.

Q: Can I be a Mod/Admin?
A: At the moment, I'm not accepting applications to be a Mod/Admin. I will soon though, so be on the lookout for that!

If you have any other questions, leave them in the comments below and I'll answer them!

8 Update Logs

1.0.8 Update! : by Kraggle09 05/29/2024 2:04:40 pmMay 29th

In this update:
  • Added /rules command to replace signs in main building.

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