Minecraft Servers

[PvP],[PvE],[Survival] PvpCraft 1.6.4

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stoffeeh's Avatar stoffeeh
Level 1 : New Miner
[PvP],[PvE],[Survival] PvpCraft 1.6.4
Status Offline Pinged: 01/23/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Server Name: 24/7_PvpCraft_1.6.4

Server IP-Adress:

website: Pvp-Craft Website!

Premium-Mode: False

Joining: when you join u get a kit named "tools", it will give you full ironarmor set, iron sword, iron pickaxe, fishing rod, bow and arrows.

Scoreboard: You will have a scoreboard to your right on the screen that for 30s shows you stats (money,kills,deaths,ping,mobkills) and then it changes for 5s to a scoreboard that shows the top 5 kills on the server! (can modified in the future to top 10 kills)
Game Play:The main focus is survival/PvP. you will either gather your stuff and craft your own items, or sell every gathered thing for money to buy new armor, weapons, blocks, tools and food. but have in mind that everytime you leave spawn, you are in a PVP ALLOWED ZONE!!d

Description: This is a server for all ages and everyone is welcome to join and play. If you have any new ideas about the server then you should try to contact the owner(stoffeeh) about it! if you need help by an admin/owner you type this in mincraft chat: "/helpop YOUR TEXT" There is also NO LIMIT on the MAIN world you play in!! you can go as far as u want!!!!! And Every saturday there will be DROP PARTY at a random time! to get there ingame type this in minecraft chat: "/warp drop".
*feel free to leave a comment about your ideas on the server to on our website forum!

[1] Respect Admin and owner
[2] No racism or other offencive stuff [3] Use common sense
[4] Don't ask for rank and items
[5] if you use hack you will get a temp ban(As a warning) if
you stil use it u get PERMANENT BAN.
[6] if you get banned for xray, you can't appeal it!
[7] Griefing results in ip-PERMANENT BAN.
[8] No spamming or advertising.
or typ in minecraft chat: "/rules " to see them ingame.

Server Hardware: running the server on 10gb RAM !!

Plugins: World Guard, Fishing rod, ScoreboardStats, Essentials, LogIt, NoCheatPlus, ServerMotdManager, KillMoney, HeadHunter, GroupManager, WorldEdit, It'sMyChunk, lockette.

Owner: stoffeeh
Admin:Drakthify, Bigbjuff

Other: we have a server shop on our website where you can buy VIP promotion and help us keep the server up!!

banned items/mobs:
Lava: placing.
TNT: explosions, placing, damage.
creeper: explosion, damage.
spiders: spawning.

Why are you still reading this, get your Minecraft started and log in already!

Additional Notes

Check our website for more information!

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11/30/2013 11:52 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SuperWomen_xoxo's Avatar
aw :( why not? I really want to join
11/30/2013 11:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
stoffeeh's Avatar
download a new client where you can choose version^^
11/30/2013 11:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SuperWomen_xoxo's Avatar
Hi! Could you update this server to 1.7.2? Btw my MC User is Littlebird2022 :3
11/30/2013 11:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
stoffeeh's Avatar
im not updating srry :(
but i will update in any futher update! :)
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