Minecraft Servers

Plain Survival

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hagar's Avatar hagar
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Plain Survival
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United Kingdom
Game VersionMinecraft Java
Plain Survival 3
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Plain Survival is a clone of the legendary Standard Survival Minecraft SMP server.

Update: the map was reset January 28th, 2023, so we're in Plain Survival II!

It's a server that tries to be as close to the vanilla experience as possible. It's where you can simply play the original game without any of the drastically game-changing plugins or features that you would usually find elsewhere on most servers. This means the server does not have teleport commands (/tp, /home, /spawn), economy, skill systems, ranks, etc. Every player will always be equal.

There is a custom plugin written for the server for a basic level of protection called Groups, but otherwise gameplay is as close to vanilla as possible. You can build, craft, mine, explore, kill, grief and do anything else you want that's possible in Minecraft; there are no gameplay-related rules. The usual no-hacking, no-racism and no-abuse rules are in place to make sure the server provides a fun and friendly experience for everyone.

1 Update Logs

Map Reset! : by hagar 01/30/2023 11:36:17 amJan 30th, 2023

There was a full map reset on January 28th, 2023, so get busy :)

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