Minecraft Servers

PhanaticMC Tekkit Server

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PhanaticD's Avatar PhanaticD
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Hero
PhanaticMC Tekkit Server
Status Pinging...
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
PhanaticMC has shut down
check phanaticmc.com for goodbye message
Connect With
IP - tekkit.phanaticmc.com

About - You will spawn in a random location and be able to start building right away, free of lag and annoying long spawn points. This server is aimed at providing a more hard-working Tekkit feel rather than generating everything while you wait. Tekkit dupes that are known have been patched and the overpowered items are blocked or are available to those who keep the server up through donations.

- Spigot MCPC
- Lockette for almost all tekkit machines, please lock all your chests
- Logblock with EE patch
- Self-Serve WorldGuard protection coded by me, type /protect for information
- Worldedit snapshots system
- Deathchest - Stores items on death
- Nethrar - better exact nether portals
- Dupes Fixed
- Major EMC exploits fixed

[1] No Griefing or Stealing. Logged with logblock, including EE tools
[2] Be Nice and have common sense
[3] NO free emc factories/machines
- no emc dupes
- no block breakers breaking auto-made items
- etc!
[4] Monster grinders/XP farms are okay

What Items are blocked?
- All of the donator items listed in the donations section are blocked to normal members, the items below are completely disabled
- Collectors & Mass fabricators: generates items out of nothing
- black hole band & void ring : many methods to dupe
- Chunk loading blocks : disabled to prevent server lag
- destruction catalyst, hyperkinetic lense, and catalytic lense : overpowered/easy griefing
- nuke : overpowered/easy griefing
- watch of time : annoying/overpowered
- waterproof teleport pipe - crashes server in certain situations
- gem armor : overpowered

donations are lifetime

How to donate:
click any of the add to cart links below, or type /buy in game

Please give it a few minutes to verify the transaction, the effect isn't super-immediate

You will get access to the previously restricted items listed below for donating.

5 Dollars - Click here to add to Cart
Harvest Goddess Band
explosives, tnt, nova catalysts etc
gift of fully charged quantum boots

10 Dollars - Click here to add to Cart
The $5 rank +
water amulet
lava amulet
zero ring
gift of fully charged quantum boots and legs

15 Dollars - Click here to add to Cart
The $5 and $10 rank +
/back to return to death point
ignition ring
archangel's smite
mining laser
zero ring
gift of fully charged quantum boots, legs, and helmet

20 Dollars - Click here to add to Cart
The $5, $10, and $15 rank +
/tpa access
mercurial eye
ring of arcena
gift of fully charged quantum boots, legs, helmet, and chestplate

Additional Notes

PhanaticMC tekkit server, no lag, random spawn point, build on join

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02/06/2014 6:47 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
XxJellyxX's Avatar

Im so sorry for what I have done, I have commented before about my ban but someone told me I would get un-banned next restart, 5 months later nothing. Please un-ban me

Love, Purpledis
11/09/2013 12:54 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
gumgum657's Avatar
minecraft username: alexzamolotskikh
i would like to be a member on this server because i like building and would love more accses to the game
08/05/2013 4:59 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
BusierMold58's Avatar
PhanaticD what do I have to do to get back on your server? I'm willing to do almost anything. Just cut me some kind of slack bro.
07/29/2013 9:30 am
Level 1 : New Miner
BusierMold58's Avatar
PhanaticD I need your help. Your server won't let me on because it thinks that I griefed.
I swear to God I did not grief. I have no idea why it is doing this. I never break other people's houses. Ever.
Please let me back on your server. I have never been the giefing-type of person.
Username: BusierMold58.
11/07/2012 5:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
joeys15's Avatar
i signed up on every website it told me to but when i go onto the server it still says i am not a member can u help me out please...

minecraft name joeys15
11/07/2012 5:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
joeys15's Avatar
i am 13 i am skilled with redstone and a good builder
11/17/2012 9:55 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Hero
PhanaticD's Avatar
its not whitelisted!
11/05/2012 4:03 am
Level 1 : New Miner
BenjaminWaugh's Avatar
Awesome server, been with this server for a long time. Staff are excellent(mostly because i'm a staff!), and griefing/stealing is dealt with fairly quickly. Donation perks are valuable but not overpowered, and all the major exploits are either blocked, or dealt with by regular check-ups by staff.
10/22/2012 7:03 am
Level 10 : Journeyman Archer
FlAbA_mAsTeR's Avatar
username: dan8bean
Experience epic
11/03/2012 6:40 pm
Level 63 : High Grandmaster Hero
PhanaticD's Avatar
its not whitelisted anymore
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