Minecraft Servers

PerditionPVP 1.15.2 (looking for developers)

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p1t_fa11's Avatar p1t_fa11
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
PerditionPVP 1.15.2 (looking for developers)
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Game VersionMinecraft Java
A Minecraft Server
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Hey my name is Pit and I've been working on this server for a couple of weeks now.

The server is in beta and anyone that is interested can play on it normally but we lack a few things.
Don't complain as I've stated what were missing and whats not working, be patient.

All the basic plugins that I have installed for our factions server are listed below.

- SaberFactions
- EssentialsX and any surrounding plugins
- ClearLagg
- Votifier (not configured)
- Vault
- GuiShop
- CombatLog
- Wild
- SilkSpawners
- LuckPerms

  I've properly configured a bunch of things but there's still some extra things I'd like to work on, get installed or configured.

Some things I'd like to install:
- Crates
- Envoys
- Donation Ranks (w/ website and an immediate response system to ensure players that they will receive items even if staff is offline.)
- Exact world borders for specific areas (Overworld, Nether and End)
- Private Vaults (/pv 1, pv 2 etc)
- duels (for people that want to fight without losing their items)
- rankup for specific ranks

  There's more but I can't think of any at the moment.

Some things I'd like to get configured properly:
- CombatLog (attacking any mob will give you combatlog)
- Disable Factions shop as we already have a normal shop
- adding links to Votifier's config
- number of homes is limited to 1 even though the config has other ranks set with higher #'s of homes.
- Silkspawners plugin (normal players cant place anything other than pig spawners

  There's more but I can't think of any at the moment.

- At least 2 years of experience with plugins
- At least 2 years of experience with factions
- Know your way around server files
- Have a discord account for back and forth contacting
- Above the age of 17

  If you are interested email me or add me on discord

  Email: Sandwidth@gmail.com
  Discord: soundcloud rapper boy#8162

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