Minecraft Servers

Official MCBans

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  • 139 server score
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SP_S6's Avatar SP_S6
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
Official MCBans
Status Pinging...
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
A Minecraft Server
Connect With
IP: server.mcbans.com
McBans Minecraft Survival Server:

The McBans Minecraft Server is now officially back up and running and under new management (Run By: MCBans Staff member SP_S6). The server has gone from Creative to Survival to give Players a more memorable time and game play within the McBans Server Community.

Getting Started:

To begin load your Minecraft Launcher, next go to the Multi Player area and select add new. Now enter into the description: McBans, then where it says IP, Enter: server.mcbans.com
Now that your on the server you will spawn at the default location: Server Spawn Area.
Cords: x: -7.50000, y: 65.000, z: -287.50000. This is the default spawn location for the serverï . Now follow the sign to the tutorial to become a Player and get build rights on the server. (HINT: Ito s Easy!)

McBans Minecraft Server Rules:
  • No Griefing

  • No Stealing

  • No Mods & or Hacks

  • No Spamming nor Advertising

  • Do Not Disrespect other players & or Server Staff

  • Do Not Ask Staff for favours (Note: [Mod] do not have the GM command)

  • No excessive cursing, or trolling

  • The use of racist slurs & or sexist slurs are not permitted

  • Do Not Ask for Promotions (e.g. Can I be staff?)

  • Do not use CAPS excessively
Basic Commands and Plugins:

Basic Info:
LWC is a Plugin that helps users to protect and secure allowed blocks and or items.
  • LWC, Commands:
Chests & Doors, Commands:

/cprivate o This will create a private door / chest & or block accessible only by the creator.
/cpublic o This will create a public door / chest & or block accessible by the entire server community.

Block Types Protected By LWC:
  • Chests

  • Furnaces

  • Dispensers

  • Signs

  • Wooden Doors

  • Iron Doors

  • Fence Gates
More Commands:

/cremove o This will remove all protection form a block / door & or item.
/cmodify o This command allows you to add and remove other Players from the server community giving or revoking there access to your block. (e.g. /cmodify notch, this would allow notch access to your block. And /comodify o notch would revoke his access to your block.
/cpassword - This allows you to password a block. (e.g. /cpassword 1234 would create a password, then you just need to right click on the block you wish to password. Then to remove a password use /cremove and right click the block.)

Basic Economy Commands:

/money - checks how much money you have
/money pay - send money to a player

McBans Server Staff:

[MCBans Staff]
SP_S6 o Server Manager / MCBans Staff



If you are a Trusted player your name will be in GOLD.

Trusted Extra Command List:
  • /hat

  • /jump

  • /nick

  • /ptime

  • Set up to 5 homes

  • Use coloured text in signs

  • /workbench

  • Toggle mob spawning in own region
This Rank is given in return for your support and donation of $4.00 USD. The raised money goes toward the server costs and server upkeep. The Rank is applied automatically and you are de ranked automatically at the end of the 1 month period and will need to repurchase each month in order to continue to receive the benefits of been Trusted.
You have the ability to donate in game by using /buy 4 and following the links and instructions or by visiting the Online Server Shop here.

So what are you waiting for get Trusted today to start using the benefits and full set of features and permissions.

Additional Notes

[Survival] [mcMMO] [Economy] [PvP] [No griefing] [Factions]

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by SP_S6 01/02/2013 6:58:45 amJan 2nd, 2013

We now run Factions also!

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01/02/2013 6:57 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
SP_S6's Avatar
We now also run Towny!
12/20/2012 7:32 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
SP_S6's Avatar
There is now also a creative world!
12/06/2012 8:07 am
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Trex_AZ's Avatar
Nice Server Server Manager
Planet Minecraft


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