Minecraft Servers

The N00b Adventures OFFICIAL SERVER

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Falconer02's Avatar Falconer02
Level 39 : Artisan Fox
The N00b Adventures OFFICIAL SERVER
Status Pinging...
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
The Official Noob Adventures Server!
Survival! Raids! PvP! Weekly Events!!!!
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This server is based upon the hit series THE N00B ADVENTURES on Youtube!

You can watch the show HERE!

Check out and sign up on our SITE!

Join our DISCORD!

Our Survival and Event server has fantastic admins who are great at helping players save and manage their creations! Take part in pvp, mob, raid, hungergames, quest, dodgeball, admin-run, holiday, and trivia events DAILY! Brew your own custom potions and beverages! Grab several custom magical weapons and firearms! You can play with all the characters from the N00b Adventures too! Gaylord Steambath might even grief you! I'd recommend staying away from him though...

There are also global donator perks such as pets, nicknames, and magic spells Learn more about it in the server or on our forum and get gear for just voting for us!

Drop on by when you can! We look forward to playing with you!

Additional Notes

Based upon the animated series, come on in and fight against the mighty Gaylord Steambath!

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04/22/2017 9:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
AtFinn's Avatar
Im atFinn
12/19/2016 2:47 pm
Level 32 : Artisan Herobrine
Asertyh2's Avatar
You can download both the server card? for a single game is very necessary thing!
01/23/2016 9:12 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Artist
SpookyHollows's Avatar
Is this server strictly PVP now? I finally was able to long on and it turns out someone apparently stole my house on there, I can't do anything in it, blocks have been changed..I'm not a good PVPer, I liked to explore and do survival stuff and gardening, but now my "safe place" isn't even safe anymore? I can't use the region command in my place when it was regioned for me by a server moderator. Any explanation is appreciated, and I miss playing on there. But I can't even do anything in my own house now... :(
02/03/2016 8:33 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Limesta's Avatar
The server isn't strictly PvP now, so something else is up. If you're still around, and looking to have that issue solved, talk to me or another staff member via the Enjin site linked above. We don't regularly check this site, so here isn't the best place to get a response.
06/14/2015 2:41 pm
Level 31 : Artisan uwu
LukaKitty's Avatar
Can you please add the ability to claim lands with a golden shovel?
06/26/2015 12:05 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
OreoGambler's Avatar
No, that would cause problems on the server. People would be claiming other peoples land which is VERY annoying and would cause a great havoc on the server. If you want your land claimed, go onto the forums, post the coordinates of you land and an admin will claim it for you. But you must build something first. Not underground, must be above ground. Anything you build in the nethers will not be claimed because of the constant reseting of the nethers.
07/06/2015 8:07 am
Level 31 : Artisan uwu
LukaKitty's Avatar
Ok, that is a bit wrong. If you need to build something to have something claimed, then someone can easilly come and greif what Iv'e been building when I'm waiting for someone to claim the land...
07/23/2015 7:26 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
OreoGambler's Avatar
Just go onto the forums (search up brainforce v forums and click the first one you see), make an account and post where your co-ordinates and an admin will claim it under your name.
07/24/2015 2:25 pm
Level 31 : Artisan uwu
LukaKitty's Avatar
It's still stupid that an admin has to claim it for you...
07/27/2015 11:06 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Crafter
OreoGambler's Avatar
We have reasons to have admins only be able to claim land for players. If we didn't there would be people abusing the commands to region areas. Even if you are responsible and don't abuse the commands other people will. There are those who will hack, grief, steal and etc. And as I said earlier, get your region claimed by posting your co-ordinates on the forums. At least one admin will be on the forums and will be able to claim your region for you. If you are afraid of greifers and your place isn't claimed yet, put valuables in a locked chest, don't use diamonds or any other valuable blocks in your house (prismarine, redstone, emerald and etc), keep livestock in cages (put signs all over the cage) and lock every chest, door and etc. To lock doors, chests, trapdoors, signs, gates and anything else that can be locked do the command /cprivate . I f you are still unhappy go to Falconer29 (the owner of TNA and head admin) and tell him this "problem" or go post a topic about you wanting the ability to claim lands with a golden shovel. I assure you that both Falc (falconer29) and the people (including the other admins) replying to your topic will find you to be a humongous idiot, that you lack common sense and that you clearly don't know how this server works and how many horrendous things have happened on the server.
06/10/2015 3:53 am
Level 15 : Journeyman Explorer
DarkusRelling's Avatar
Has ANYONE noticed the first screenshot's caption typo?
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