Minecraft Servers

MeepCraft: Ultimate Towny and Factions Server!

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  • 149 server score
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Fuzzlr's Avatar Fuzzlr
Level 22 : Expert Miner
Status Online! Pinged: 07/13/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
                MeepCraft Server [1.20]
     Towny | Parkour | Minigames | Events
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24/7 Dedicated Towny/Survival Server
Created by Fuzzlr


Over 1000 players like MeepCraft!

Advanced Economy
With iConomy 6, chest shops, and an emerging jobs market, MeepCraft offers an economy with great potential.

Real-Estate Options
Buy your own plot, and dive right into the real estate market! Town plots can be sold, transferred, and developed by any player.

Friendly Community
Our players are generally friendly, and we have a helpful moderating team. It is impossible to grief on MeepCraft, so you can ensure that your creations are safe.


"MeepCraft has made my MineCraft experience so much better then it previously was. Roaming from server to server was a horrible experience. Bad community here, bad server there. Then I stumbled upon Meepcraft on Reddit, and joined it while it was still on it's developing days. SkyFish was incredibly friendly, and I could tell this server had a good feel to it. I stuck around for a bit, and now that the server is racking up more people, I can tell that the feeling I had was right. "-Brent K

"I have been here for a couple weeks and I must say, this is one of the better servers I've played on. I've only played on a few, but I really like the towny system and the virtual store system. These are great plugins and they work very well!"-SonsofLiberty86

"I am so glad i found this server. At first i joined and thought it would be lame like all the other "Bigshot" servers. But no i was proven wrong. This server is amazing. It is the first and only server ive ever donated too. It has a great community nice players and respectful admins and mods who dont take advantage over you. Players that are amazing : mj! sdub and skyfish. This server is just a server i am so glad i found. I hope it never goes down.
Love you MeepCraft!" -King2Pac

"this server is great! I've been playing for a few days now and the community is nice, there are no harsh restrictions, and the economy and shops system work just fine!" -Megablukk

Additional Notes

The ultimate towny experience! Created by Fuzzlr.

23 Update Logs

MeepCraft\'s Terrarium and Dungeon : by Fuzzlr 06/20/2012 10:52:11 amJun 20th, 2012

Introducing, MeepCraft's Terrarium, an attempt at making our spawn a little more interesting!

The terrarium was an old idea that was first implemented on the server during the days of Minecraft 1.1. The idea is basically to have an underground garden under the spawn. I call it a "terrarium" because it resembles a miniature, contained biome.


The terrarium is the newest addition to the spawn and it helps to serve as an additional activity for players.


The terrarium has helped to link a lot of our underground facilities. A network of underground tunnels link the terrarium to the music room, a link to global spawn, and the tutorial room.


The best part of the terrarium is that it is essentially a PvP arena. It is the only place in the MeepCraft server where players can fight each other in an FFA gameplay style. The terrarium is set up so that players can only PvP when they are standing at the grass level. Higher platforms serve as safe zones.


The most popular addition so far to the underground facilities is The Dungeon. The dungeon is a network of underground tunnels that can present many difficulties for explorers.


As players travel deeper into the dungeon, they will be able to find some pretty cool things. The entire facility is PvP enabled which allows for more exciting exploration.


Finally, players will be able to locate and open special chests within the dungeon that unlock special kits. These kits are delivered to the player's inventory instantly and provide very satisfying rewards. At any given time there may be 15 or more players in the dungeon.

I hope you enjoy the new underground facilities that I built this morning! I hope this will make the spawn world a little more interesting.

Eduard_Khil's extended rulebook can now be accessed in-game via /rules
Factions is now back up at MeepFactions.com
Automatic announcements have been rewritten
I have purchased a chat module for the website

Kind regards,

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08/20/2016 10:55 am
Level 1 : New Network
marshy_88's Avatar
Meepcraft is back and better than ever! We're now EULA compliant and have a cozy community of 60+ players daily! We're friendly to all that join and have kind staff. We are currently one of the largest towny servers and are implementing sky block as I type. Meep is a great server if you're looking for a towny server and want to occasionaly play great mini games like Halo, Skyblock, Infected, Boomo, and much more.

Staff are kind, caring, and not corrupt even though many of your posts say that, and if you were to scroll down this list and see negative comments, look at the dates, they're extremely old and not relevant.

Only downside is Fuzzlr only comes on a few times a week.
03/19/2016 10:31 am
Level 1 : New Miner
mrnukeluke's Avatar
Meepcraft got a new server
03/14/2015 8:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
chessgeek10's Avatar
  • Illegally pay-to-win
  • Abusive staff
  • Not friendly to newcomers
  • Will be soon shut down

Chargeback any donations you purchased while you still can.
05/19/2014 5:26 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
deathab0ve's Avatar
do you kow why this server died? because everytime i logged on all my progrss on the parkour was gone i spent hours to get there.
04/25/2014 12:07 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
shadowliran's Avatar
Good server! Great server! Amazing server! Best server! :D
03/14/2014 12:08 pm
Level 20 : Expert Geek
XxxTimeFacedxxX's Avatar
Thanks for taking my house away. Now I have to pay 1,000,000 meebles to buy my house back. Two words: FUCK THAT
01/06/2014 1:13 am
Level 1 : New Miner
jeroy's Avatar
This Server is Good But has Bad admins that spew Racist spam in chat even today Jan. 5, 2014!

If you choose to play on this server try not to spend money you will be harassed by admins and mods and even BANNED! DO NOT GO TO THIS SERVER! its fun for a while but you will see a lot of abuse by mods, stealing items, starting arguments and then banning members (paying members and not)
12/27/2013 1:08 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Skinner
Cnniillaa111's Avatar
Dont Join this server i donated and they banned me right after for building !!!?? bad server with horrible staff
06/23/2013 8:49 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
megaman5908's Avatar
epic server i like the skyblock why is it 1.1 now it wasint it in the 1.5 zone now?
06/23/2013 8:52 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
megaman5908's Avatar
plus why does it say cant resolve hostname?
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