Minecraft Servers

🎅🎄🎁 ✅ MarciopaCraft 🔮🤓 🎋👔🎄🎅

  • 723 views, 1 today
  • 61 server score
  • 4 Votes this month
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xAtlas_Shruggedx's Avatar xAtlas_Shruggedx
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
🎅🎄🎁 ✅ MarciopaCraft  🔮🤓 🎋👔🎄🎅
Status Pinging...
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
MaricopaCraft  (1.20- 1.21)
Eco, Claims, Bookshop, PlayerShop, ResourceWorld
Connect With
Server Connection: Play.MaricopaCraft.com
Enhanced Vanilla Server 1.20.6 (ViaVersion)
WHITE-LIST in *ON* while I work on spawn. If you are whitelisted you can play any time.

Discord Server: https://discord.gg/JxFZErTwxr
Web Site: www.MaricopaCraft.com

All keys can be earned in game for FREE.
MVP tag @ 5000 votes

VIP tag @ 3000 votes

** ABOUT **
No AFK Kick, If you want to sit there all day and let your farms grow. Go for it. Mob grinders are okay.

No Silk Spawners, but you can win a spawner and activate it with a Spawn egg.
Save your spawners if/when you get them and hunt for the eggs.

How do I get Spawn Eggs?
You can get Eggs from completing quests.

-- Common Quest Spawner: cow, pig, sheep, rabbit
-- Special Quest Spawner: Zombie, Skeleton, Spider
-- Legendary Quest Spawner: Creeper, Witch, Wither-Skeleton

You get one chance to place a spawner.
Once the spawner is placed, it cannot be silked.

Custom Enchantment Boosts
The server does not generate OP items, but the players can make an OP item with Custom Enchantment Books.
The books allow enchantments to be boosted 1 or 2 levels above the max on select enchants.
The "Enchantment Boost" allows the player to override the maximum enchant on some enchantments.
For example, Unbreaking V, Fortune 6, Looting 5, etc.

Because the server does not generate any OP items, your specially crafted weapon or armor will sell on auction for a good price. You don't have to worry about someone paying real money to get ridiculously over powered items that they then post on the auction for a million dollars.

You get the Enchantment Boost books from the various villager types. Once you have a book, the upgrades are done in the Anvil and have an XP cost associated with it. With an enchantment boost book you can combine smite and sharpness on the same sword. Also, you can add mending with infinity on bows.

How do I get Quests Scrolls?
Hunting and killing mobs in the wild or from a mob grinder.
Mobs will randomly drop mystery quest scrolls. When the scroll is activated (right-click) it becomes a common, special or legendary quest.
The quests scrolls can be kept in a special inventory (/scroll chest) and the scroll will update as you make progress without taking up your normal inventory space.

VIP / MVP Rank?
Yes, there is a VIP and MVP rank. You cannot buy these ranks.
You get the ranks manually after you make enough votes.

VIP: 3000 / 11 = 272 days (/feed command)
MVP: 5000 / 11 = 454.days (/heal command)

How do I earn money?
By voting and playing the game as normal.
- Player shop (/pshop) buys your items and gives you enchanted books from the item enchantments
- Book Shop (/bshop) buys all your enchanted books.

How do I get started?
Drop by our discord channel and ask to be "White Listed"
Sign-on, type /ranks and click "Cadet". You are ready to go.
Look around spawn a bit or type /wild.

Search the countryside for a Skelly spawner and build a Skeleton grinder. Sell the mob drops for cash
When you achieve the Rank of Knight you can get enchanted books from enchanted items.

VOTE SHOP (command /voteshop)
The server sells only a few key items: Torches, Coal, Netherwart, BlazeRods, Beef.
These items are purchased with "Vote Points". Yep, you get vote points by voting.


How do I get Keys:

You get the Villager keys by voting, fishing, mining and completing quests.
If you work hard mining, chopping wood, raiding dungeons and the deep dark, You will get special enchantment Books from completing quests.
  • Voting: 11 per day
  • Quests Complete one of the quests and you have a chance to get "Keys"
    • Common (easy) 2 keys, random type, $10K Deposit
    • Special (medium) 5 keys, random type, $50K Deposit
    • Legendary (hard) 10 keys, random type, 100K Deposit
    • Note: Not every completed quest is a guaranteed key or cash reward.
    • Fishing
      • 3% chance per cast to get a random key type
      • 3 keys every 100 casts
    • Mining
      • 1.5% chance on stone like and ore blocks.
      • Must be a Pickaxe with Efficiency (5) or lower.


    Players can earn all ranks and keys FREE in game.

    • - Auction House: buy and sell any item
    • - Player Vaults: extra storage
    • - Player Ranks (custom plugin)
    • - Vouchers (custom plugin - Claim, Fly, Cash, Items)
    • - Enchantment Boost (custom plugin)
    • - Player Shop (custom plugin - Sell your Armor, Weapons & More.)
    .....When ranked high enough, the Player shop will
    .....Salvage weapon Enchantments and give you Enchanted Books.

    • - Book Shop (custom plugin - Sell your Enchanted Books to the Admin Shop.)
    • - Land Claims (golden shovel)
    • - Quests (complete quests and earn keys)
    • - Voting: One Vote Key Per Vote per day
    • - WILD: Random TP to get into the wild and get started. command /wild
    • - Villager Loot Keys (custom plugin: Librarian, Butcher, Woodcutter, etc)
    • - Resource World (Resets as Needed)

    Stop by and say Hi.

    New Players will start off with $1200 in-game economy cash. That's enough to purchase your first rank.

    Be sure to use the /ranks command and select "Cadet"

    ### ------------ END OF LISTING --------------- ###

    CreditJava Developer

    8 Update Logs

    Update #8 : by xAtlas_Shruggedx 08/13/2023 11:05:39 pmAug 13th, 2023

    Updated "Ultimate Fishing" Using the Beta Version for 1.20. It's a little buggy.

    Create an account or sign in to comment.

    12/09/2022 10:56 pm
    Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
    xAtlas_Shruggedx's Avatar
    The server is open to the public, but I turn ON the WHITE-LIST feature after hours so I can get some sleep. :)

    If you are whitelisted you can play any time. If not yet whitelisted, my hours are 8am to 10pm M-F Pacific Time.

    I turn ON WHITE-LIST when sleeping
         I turn OFF WHITE-LIST when awake
    Planet Minecraft


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