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Loka Minecraft | The Only Conquest Server

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Cryptite's Avatar Cryptite
Level 26 : Expert Toast
Loka Minecraft | The Only Conquest Server
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United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
                         ? LokaMC ?
                   Asgard III - ? 9h 
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Territory Conquest, PvP, RP, Market

IP: play.lokamc.com

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Loka is a Semi-Vanilla, PvP Survival Server that uses custom plugins to create a one of a kind Minecraft experience. Loka features a custom-written Territorial Conquest System, a very rich story, unique, talent-based Battlegrounds, ELO-rated Arenas, a custom Market, Thievery, and World Events.

Territorial Conquest

Loka's biggest feature, Territories, is custom system wherein Towns can place Territory Generators throughout the world in order to claim territory on their behalf. The larger your territory, and the more battles you win by destroying enemy Territory Generators, the greater your strength. The strongest Town or Alliance at the end of each month becomes the Capital of Loka and gets to implement global policies. Alliances, Enemies, Friends, and Mortal Enemies have been forged and destroyed through our Territory System. Additionally, we have aTerritory Control Map that dynamically updates to show the real-time changes of territory control.


The most significant aspect of Loka is our 100% custom Town system. With two of your friends, you can build a generator that gives you a Town with build protection and a variety of features. Our town system, now undergoing a version 2.0 revamp now includes progression. Almost everything you do contributes to your town's level, unlocking Town Perks, adding to the town building experience. We also have Alliances, Town Zoning, and an upcoming Industry system.

Town Industries

Reaching level 50 or more in a Town Mastery gives your town the ability to spawn an Industry Building. These buildings excel in their craft and include buildings like a Lumber Mill, Arcanum, and Tavern! Each of our 18 masteries will have Industry buildings.


Loka has custom-built PvP systems that we've been running for three seasons, including Warcraft-Themed Arenas, Epic Battlegrounds, and a custom PvP Talent system. Additionally, we recently released a Town vs Town Battleground in which any number of towns can queue in order to fight. Depending on your score at the end of the match, your Town can earn perks that last for a short while until the next BG begins.

Powerful Market

Like our Towns and PvP, Loka runs a custom-built and powerful Market system that allows anyone to buy and sell things with the common currency of ores. Prove your agricultural, brewing, or rare block-finding prowess and become successful in Loka without ever touching a mine!


Loka allows thievery and murder, but griefing and mass block damage are forbidden. Loka's thieving community is one of the most skilled in Minecraft. Do you challenge them, join them, or ignore them? Some have thrived through conflict, others have fallen. How will your story on Loka be told?


Since the founding of the server, Lokans have been no strangers to evil, catastrophe, and mystery. From the feared World-Ender Preksak to the seemingly benevolent god of Asgard, Freyjia, a small host of characters appear from time to time to alter the course of Loka's History. Some players have even chosen to participate and have their roles locked in lore for eternity!


Our rules are basic in that we do not allow griefing, we moderate chat to keep things as close to PG as we can given the general audience of Minecraft, and we strive to keep the atmosphere as friendly as possible. Be warned though that thievery and subterfuge is commonplace on Loka. It is as much of an element as Town Building, PvP, and RP are.

10 Update Logs

Update #10 : by Cryptite 09/03/2014 6:48:21 pmSep 3rd, 2014

We just recently launched our groundbreaking new Territories system. Feel the urge to try to take over the world? Loka might just be the place for you!

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05/06/2017 2:31 am
Level 1 : New Miner
HighflyingLamb's Avatar
Server is not bad at all but the admin can be unresponsive to overarching problems.
04/12/2016 4:13 am
Level 8 : Apprentice Network
Woggys's Avatar
Looks really nice m8 i r8 8/8
11/09/2015 8:55 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
amber_the_DRAGON's Avatar
nice texture pack i like it
05/13/2015 10:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
JocelynReed's Avatar
Amazing server!    very creative    nice staff
11/11/2014 3:40 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Engineer
thatoneguy009's Avatar
Here's to hoping that what I say here isn't downvoted by the regulars of the server who have posted already. I just joined the server and played for a half a day so you can take this review as a newcomers honest opinion. People who do play here regularly feel free to correct observations I've made if they are wrong and I will edit them.

The good: The concept of this server is FANTASTIC.
  1. I love "The Artifact" mod that they have made for this server. It is, as a whole, a much more balanced and unique system compared to Factions or Towny. The ability to designate different "Zones" within towns to restrict member access is even better. The "Mastery" aspect of towns give you a reason to make sure your town excels in a few things very well instead of everything in a mediocre manner. The perks for leveling your town give you a clear reason to. And to top it all off the industries make you even more efficient at being the master of something. Industries being special buildings that make a certain craft even easier.
  2. Territories added in towns/alliances fighting against one another for control of the "Global Policies" which can be set. All in all, it encourages towns/alliances to fight one another for control. My favorite aspect of territories is as follows though. "Any blocks broken by enemies in your territory will break, but will not drop their respective blocks. In time, these broken blocks will also regenerate." It appears that raiding and griefing in territory has a "no harm done" effect in a way. This appears to allow risk free raiding where, yes you can blow a hole through the wall to get to X and the towns hard work of making it will not be undone. This is HUGE for a raiding server IMO.
  3. The community that is currently here has been very welcoming. They active players I saw come off much more mature than most servers that have a "pay to play" or "vote for rewards" system in place.
  4. The PVP system here with talents and "unique" (sorta haha) sounds is great. Valley of the Ancients, so much fun. The PVP arenas that are in the game currently are very fun and challenging. They do not incorporate the PVP of servers most classic players abhor where it's Prot IV Armor Sharpness 22 billiontanked people running at one another till one person dies. You have to be strategic. Skill is once again a factor in PVP here. The kit that is provided may seem low damaging but it is sufficient enough to finish fights very quickly if you are seasoned.
  5. There are no teleports other than town to ally/spawn or town to inhibitor (territory attacking siege building).
  6. There is no supra-powerful shop where you can get any item you desire from it. This means you actually have to trade and interact with players to get the things you need. Edit However, the owner does intend to open up the Market for some more items that we were previously hesitant to allow the sales of. These are more end-game materials and should breathe a little more life into the system. *See bad point 2
  7. The website, informational guides provided on the site, the territories map, the pvp statistics tracking, and the forums are all EXTREMELY well made.
  8. Content is constantly being improved by staff. There are regular and semi-regular updates to the mods running on the server.
  9. Edit They do have donation perks, but they are aesthetic perks (pets at spawn, undead horses) that in no way change gameplay or give any player an advantage over another. (EULA-satisfactory) This means that they do not have any pay to win donations that give you OP powers/perks or items. You have to work for your items.Summary of good This server is put together excellently and expertly. It is unique and has way more to offer than the last 100 servers I have reviewed/played on.

The bad: It can survive, but can it thrive?

  1. This server has been around for over a year. Most of the players that are there are the diehards who have been here for the whole time or for a great portion of it. And I will be very blunt about this, these are not high numbers. While I played I saw a max of 14 players. On a 20k map without teleports this means little interaction without the PVP arenas or when one city attacks another (which I'm told results in a lot of teamwork and PVP outside the arenas.)

  2. Since there is a limited player shop at spawn, if there is not a player online that you can get an item you want/need from, you are simply shit out of luck. And since there are so few players currently this makes trade all but useless. However there is a "black market", I'm uncertain to what it contains but I'm sure it can compensate. Provided the Global Policies set by the capital allow the black market.

  3. TNT cannons and other forms of raiding. There seems to be a current debate on their forums of whether to allow or disallow TNT cannons again. The server is very split between this as well. With the addition of territories I believe this negates the problem that is most commonly associated with TNT cannons and that is that player work is destroyed. However, with territories and the regeneration factor work should be regenerated if TNT'd. So currently raiding will be exceptionally difficult against stronger towns without this. And once again, since there are few players, there are really JUST stronger towns/alliances active right now. Currently, enderpearls are allowed but TNT cannons are still outlawed. Take that for what you will.

  4. There are no mods allowed on the server (Except Optifine). No minimaps, no inventory sorting, no combat tweaks, etc. Only Optifine, and you are not allowed to use the zooming feature of Optifine either (pretty hard to catch someone with it but hey w/e).

Summary of bad Nearly all the bad can literally all be summed up to one central problem. Lack of players currently. If there were more players then I believe all of my "bad" points would be mitigated.

TL:DR Total summary. This place is awesome. A++. And has the potential to be a game changer in Minecraft. It just needs more players. Get to this server and give it a go with 3 of your friends and start making your town the next candidate for control. Show these regulars that seniority doesn't rule haha.
07/03/2014 4:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Dale93's Avatar
In the midst of getting a VotA up and running, come on join us now to participate!
07/02/2014 8:26 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
Trolling4Chicken's Avatar
cant wait to try it out looks exciting!
05/10/2014 1:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
CrazyNinjaCow23's Avatar
This Server is one of the best servers out there. there are so many challenges and achievements that it would take forever to finish them all. it is a well regulated server with updates coming often. just an amazing server that cannot be replaced
01/22/2014 10:34 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Adderman500's Avatar
I've been a part of this server for near enough 2 years now and it is by far the best server I've ever joined. A fantastic community, great story and great staff *winks*.
01/20/2014 8:19 am
Level 1 : New Miner
andrekeroxd's Avatar
Awesome server. Much upvote.
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