Minecraft Servers

Liviryn Plot World

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chuckchuk's Avatar chuckchuk
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Gent
Liviryn Plot World
Status Offline Pinged: 02/06/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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We are making a Medieval RPG Multiplayer Adventure map, with Custom Crafting, Player Housing, Dungeons and Temples, along with a Custom world, but we are in the process of finding good builders and buildings for the server. We have Just set up a plot world to test your capabilities! We are trying to find the best of builders to help finalize our dream of making a fantastic server for all to enjoy!

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09/23/2015 3:48 pm
Level 67 : High Grandmaster Gent
chuckchuk's Avatar
So we're working on a plot world at the moment. Our goal is to find players who have sufficient building skills to be able to become a part of the Liviryn Dream. We're planning on making a sort of Multiplayer Adventure map with player housing, custom crafting, quests, new mobs, and loads more with just command blocks!

Its a large dream, but one that has been in the making for some time, and I believe we'll be able to do it with the help of great builders! So if you think yourself a fantastic builder, come on the server and claim a plot! Build whatever you want, and we'll see if you're fit to be on the team!
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