Minecraft Servers

KingdomsCity B-Team

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  • 126 server score
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bolly12321's Avatar bolly12321
Level 22 : Expert Miner
KingdomsCity B-Team
Status Pinging...
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
KingdomsCity Adventure Awaits!
Embark on an epic Minecraft journey!
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The Attack of the B-Team server has arrived!
The Attack of theB-Team is a technic modpack made by two well know
youtubers. The modpack includes fewer technical mods from FTB but
includes more building orientated mods and some fancy mad science mods.


The B-Team server is a whitelisted server to prevent griefing. To get your
name on that list you'll need to sign up on the forum & post here or post in pmc here.

  • Rules
  • No griefing, pranks are allowed.
  • No raiding people's bases.
  • No killing without the other player agreeing,
  • Do not build nerd poles which is 1 block wide just stacking up
  • Be sure to have fun

Downloading the modpack is pretty simple and can be found here. Once you launch it select 'Attack of the B-Team' and hit play.

Whitelist Application

To sign up for the Attack of the B-Team server you will need to answer a few simple questions.
Staff will check the forum and update it straight away. We will leave a comment to let you know that you have been accepted.
All players will be accept.


Ingame Name:


Why you want to join:

Skype (If possible):

How well do you know this mod pack:

Do you agree to the rules?

Create an account or sign in to comment.

08/18/2014 4:35 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Doomsdaywarrior's Avatar
Ingame name: doomsdaywarrior


Why: I wish to join so that i may play on a server that is not just a bunch of random people that will greif and steal your stuff and then leava, I also wish to join because I want to be part of a better server than the rest.


How well i know the modpack: I know my way around all the mods and have a good knowledge of the pack.

Yes I do aggree to the rules sincerly
03/11/2014 10:14 am
Level 22 : Expert Miner
bolly12321's Avatar
You were both accepted feel free to join bteam.kingdomscity.com :)
03/10/2014 7:00 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
jonnyxx1234's Avatar
  1. Ingame name: jonnyxx123
  2. Age :16

  3. Why i want to join: Tired of pvp + friends play on server maseroni, nicksunnyiscool

  4. Skype: jonnyxx121

  5. How well do you know this mod pack: I am adept

  6. Do you agree to the rules: Yes (of course)

03/10/2014 6:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
jonnyxx1234's Avatar
03/10/2014 2:09 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Turtlesrule37's Avatar
Ingame name : Turtlesrule37

Age : 15

Why i want to join : Ive had hard times with alot of servers, once i get good gear i get killed.
and i hope this server will fill in the time i lost on those other server, and have fun :D

Skype : None

Still new to it but wanting to learn

I agree to the rules

(im a good builder)
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