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TheSparkPlaysMC's Avatar TheSparkPlaysMC
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
Status Offline Pinged: 12/13/23
Game VersionMinecraft Java
A Minecraft Server
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iThanos is a brand new survival server that brings a new spin onto the regular survival genre! iThanos allows players to expand their Minecraft experience through exploring capitalist ideals by creating their own trade systems. The serverwide currency is diamonds and there is no /bal or /pay system! What you mine you use to buy other resources to better your life or expand your shop of other resources! Sell a stack of logs for a diamond, sell an Elytra for 40 diamond blocks! Explore Minecraft's BEST free-market FUN survival server today! There is no rank system so you won't be hassled to donate and you won't feel inferior to other players who have bigger IRL wallets than you!

Players ALWAYS get:
free /fly
free /nick
free starter kit
access to random warps
access to PVP
access to survival
10,000 claim blocks to start, gaining 200 more for every hour you play!

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