Minecraft Servers

InfiniteMC - Towny Survival Server with Slimefun

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InfiniteBR's Avatar InfiniteBR
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
InfiniteMC - Towny Survival Server with Slimefun
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United Kingdom
Game VersionMinecraft Java
           ??????? InfiniteMC ??????                                 Survival Slimefun Towny
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Introducing InfiniteMC

the ultimate community server that's all about having a blast in Minecraft! Get ready for an incredible adventure with our wide range of survival options that are both entertaining and enjoyable.

At InfiniteMC, we take pride in our one-of-a-kind slimefun server that offers a truly unique gameplay experience. With countless ways to survive and thrive in Minecraft, you're guaranteed to have an absolute blast when you join us.

Our dedicated staff and friendly players are committed to creating a welcoming atmosphere for everyone. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting out, you'll feel right at home. We can't wait to have you join our amazing community!

And that's not all - InfiniteMC offers Java/Bedrock compatibility, keep inventory, exciting features like Towny, Player Shops, Player Warps, and Player Auctions. Plus, Pyromining, Pyrofishing, and the ability to rank up with in-game money.
Don't forget to vote for us daily to receive free crates and be a part of our competitive economy.

So what are you waiting for? Come and join us at InfiniteMC for an unforgettable Minecraft experience. We can't wait to see you there!

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01/24/2024 3:11 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
KiraYeen's Avatar
Love the players and the server as a whole. Hope it continues to get more new players in the future.
01/23/2024 4:43 am
Level 1 : New Miner
PomeloGamesCZ's Avatar
Love the people, love the warm and cozy atmosphere and the community.
01/22/2024 9:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
balarkid's Avatar
Since I am a professional server critics, let me do a honest review.

Survival/PVE- All the survival mechanics and gameplay are there without any removal except for hoppers. You can have a good survival experience without any interruption from plugins. There are 5 different worlds: Overworld, Resource Overworld, Nether, Resource Nether and End. With addition of Resource World that resets every month, player does not have to compete with others for rare resources.

Economy- Economy is balanced throughout the server. There is no significant interval of money between players. If a player grind for the money, it will be rewarding as they can be crucial for interaction between players. There are multiple plugin that help boost the economy in this server: Auction House, QuickShop, Trade, Jobs, EcoSkills.

Towny- This server include towny plugin that help create memories and friends among the players. There are no restriction on what town you are joining and making. A player can join a welcoming town that helps members thrive from a newbie to an expert in this server or a player can make their own town among their group of friends. There are no animosity among the towns as they help each other in building a peaceful and friendly community. Although, there are some friendly rivalry that help spices up the race on becoming the best town.

Slimefun- Addition of Slimefun boost up the fun and struggle on reaching the highest minecraft experience a player can achieve. Although there are some slimefun adds-on that are not available, the current one are still enjoyable as players thrive to reach infinity levels. Since slimefun used up a lot of machines for each players, there are limitation of hoppers per chunk in this server due to amount of lags it produced. This is understandable since each player wanted their system or machine to be at their maximum capacity. However, it is not truly unobtainable as there are several ways to gain hoppers such as Crates, Pinatas, Players, AdminShop.
Overall slimefun experience have been wonderful as most of the players help each other in reaching the final route of slimefun.

Casino- This server also offers casino for players that are willing to gamble their fortune or trying to be rich in few hours. Roulette and Lottery are the plugin that will help players gamble their money. Server are not responsible for any losses that players made so be caution on gambling your money away.

Pyrofishing/Pryomining- Pyro plugin adds on the entertainment on mining and fishing. If you are not familiar with PyroFish, there are around 500 custom fish that you can catch as a collection or an upgrade to rod. With multiple interesting enchantment such as Saturate, this enchantment can help saturate players when fishing hence will required player to no longer bring food in their inventory. PyroMining adds on cool enchantments too but the plugin is still in development.

Overall, my experience on this server have been wonderful and entertaining. There are not much to say as you can experience it yourself when you join the server at play.infinitemc.net
01/22/2024 5:29 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Relanka's Avatar
First server I have played on in a very long time. Love the people, love the atmosphere and the community. Great Slimefun server.
01/22/2024 2:51 am
Level 1 : New Miner
_Syncmaster32_'s Avatar
I LOVE this server honestly its one of the BEST servers i ever played, the staff IS awesome and i love the giveaways that some players do, this server is full of friendly and kind people. Btw AngelPort is the BEST 🤣🤣
01/21/2024 11:18 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
raenjones's Avatar
This server offers a wide range of ways to play. I like building, it has Towny! This server also has SlimeFun, which I have never played before, but has allowed me to automate building materials, making my building feel a lot smoother. There is PyroMining and PyroFishing if you enjoy those activities, it gives you a chance to get a little more out of those experiences. They have the classic Mcmmo skills and Jobs. There are also EcoSkills which can offer really interesting buffs if you enjoy PvP and PvE. Hoppers can't be crafted, which helps to reduce the lag you feel on other servers. But hoppers can still be purchased and gotten from crates at spawn. Ranks are purchased with in-game currency so you need to put in effort to get to the highest ranks.
Honestly, a well-rounded server that listens to suggestions from players and adapts to how players want to play. You'll love it! <3
01/21/2024 6:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User4985489D's Avatar
This has got to be one of the best servers I've ever played on. It's got an amazing community as well as an active one. As soon as I first joined I was swarmed with welcomes by what it felt like every person online at the time. I was then invited into a town and given some things to get me started I can not recommend this server enough!
01/21/2024 3:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
User4422109G's Avatar
This, is a wonderful review.
01/21/2024 3:18 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Hylomorphia's Avatar
Best server I've ever joined - by far.

Finding the right server always was a frustrating challenge, so I'm writing an especially thought out review to help like-minded people to find their to InfiniteMC. Hope it helps those as well as the server to further flourish and nurture its lovely community!

None of the widespread problems with servers

As an adult who just wants that Minecraft Zen, community, and a nice diversity of accessible paths to progress and develop in, it's frustrating to wade through the numerous servers with only part of the plugins you really enjoy, to only discover a myriad of turn-offs as you spend time there. Money-grabby or pay2win systems, an excess of unmanageable spam of beggars and whiners, misbehaving youth, toxic staff, maddening lag during peak hours, or ridiculous drama spread across the community. I've seen it all. InfiniteMC doesn't have any of it.

A combination of all that I liked from my MC

But InfiniteMC was such a breath of fresh air. I consider myself so lucky to have found it. It has all the plugins that I really enjoy: Slimefun, Towny, MCMMO/Jobs, and even the more niche Pyrofishing/mining. At least as important was that it also had a healthy community and culture. People were sincerely welcoming and I didn't feel alone and lost at all.

The chat is inclusive and lively but not overwhelming. There's a nice mix of younger and older people from various time zones, and the few times people happened to stumble out of line they were accountable in a healthy way. I'm amazed at how healthy the current culture is and is being nurtured by pillars of the community, and I hope more pillars can join us.

Staff have always been friendly and helpful, but it is also important to note how smoothly the server operates. No major issues or recurring problems to be fixed, only rarely some minor lag, and a speedy attentive response whenever something does occur. Both the store items and the rankup systems feels fair, and the voting rewards are very generous. The server is still young but based on what I've seen so far from the staff and from my inquiries, I have full confidence they will do great in continuously improving the server, community, and experience.

Wholesome Minecraft Zen

I play minecraft to chill, create, and participate with fun and nice people. Worry-free and abundant in ways to enjoy. Often I'm just watching a series while collecting my pyrofish. I've written a book for the town library inspired by our mayor's RL story. I help new players with getting their footing on the server, who generally are genuinely grateful and do their best paying it forward and adding to the nice community. I've spent hours just chatting or being silly with others, but also enjoy hours of just vanilla exploration of minecraft's lovely blocky world. I've enjoyed chatting with the younger ones as a big bro to them, but also connected with my fellow older peers both about the game and our IRL experiences.

I came back to Minecraft after a few years of not playing. Silly me had spent too much time with league of legends and its notorious toxicity and realised how much I missed the complete opposite: cooperation and community over competition and grinding, fun diversity of pastimes over narrow repetition, and relaxation over stress.

I've enjoyed competitive servers in the past as well - whether it be in the form of PvP or economy - but honestly that would now be too much of a headache for me. If you're like past me and are looking for a fast paced chat with duels, bidding wars and politics to indulge your competitive spirit, I don't think this is the right server for you.

But if you can relate to my experiences and resonate with what I value about this server, please come check it out and further contribute to the young but blossoming InfiniteMC! Whether you've decided this was not the right server you or that it might be exactly what you need, I hope this little review helped you either way.

If you do think it'd be a great match, I look forward to see you soon at InfiniteMC!

- Hylo
01/21/2024 3:41 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Miner
InfiniteBR's Avatar
Thank you for your awesome review! <3
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