Minecraft Servers

HippOut Central

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HippOut's Avatar HippOut
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
HippOut Central
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United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
HippOut- Gippy Bippy.
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Thank you for viewing our planet Minecraft page, we hope you enjoy our server. HippOut is a building server dedicated to bringing you new ways to build, ways not found other places.
We give ranks with more power when we see good work.

HippOut Central Minecraft Server

On our server you start out building in private plots, and unable to build elsewhere. This is purely due to trust and also so we can help you get to a reasonable level of building before releasing you to our main world. This first rank is called Player.

Player: The basic rank of the server, when you join (after going through the tutorial) you will be placed in this rank, you have access to one plot of land and your build can be very small (10x10 is about the smallest you can go). After showing some skill in building you will easily get to Player+.

Player+: This rank has the largest privilege change of any: Open world, as a Player+ you get access to as much land as you like and it has terrain on it.

Builder: This rank takes a fairly high level of skill, and also a fairly large build with this skill displayed. Builder is the first rank to have WorldEdit commands, and is at the point where ranks may start to become hard to get.

Architect: With Architect you are trusted to many tools for building, some server administrator commands, and trusted by the players to help with their problems from time to time. (First rank to have access to Teacher if future HippOut EDU server).

Pro: This rank has all the building tools and is highly trusted among the entire server, it comes with some fun commands and lots of trust from the community, if you find yourself with this rank you must have some real talent at building.

Champion: The name is such for a reason, you have completed the server and can go brag to all your friends for years and years. This rank comes with some of the most powerful admin commands (Also access to HippOut UNL when introduced)

HippOut Central Minecraft Server

Unlike most servers, we do not give you plots for the reason that if you rank up, you could get a bigger plot. This idea to us is the same as giving people a bigger limitation as they get better. Instead we give free world with normal terrain after you have been deemed a member who has good intentions.

We also provide the opportunity for our members to help build a role play server map, this means their work will be enjoyed and played by others as well as owned by the builder.

Our server is also dedicated to teaching the members who are not up to our standards, while most servers look for builders of the best level, we thought it better that we help our members become builders of the best level. This means all upper ranks are expected to help lower ranks and give them advice (Advise should be accepted, the people giving their ideas are experienced and trying to help, they are not saying these things to hurt you).

Last of all, if you set your goals high and strive for Champion, you will get to build on our modded building server HippOut UNL (Coming soon). This includes many mods that unleash the user to more endless creativity then ever before.

HippOut Central Minecraft Server

Our server comes from the ideals and motivations of a server before it, this server was sadly closed due to inability to continue. It reopened but to the surprise of all the members in no form the same server, it had transformed into sometime completely different: following none of the ideals of its ancestor. We decided that it wouldn't be accepted the kill off a server completely with such great community and spirit, and thus we created HippOut, the true rebirth of our beloved home.

Our server has all the plugins needed to even the most experienced builders.

- Worldedit (Sk89q)

A well known plugin for speeding up building

Given in sections, commands start to be given out at Builder.

-VoxelSniper (Voxel Plugineering)

A well known plugin for creating terrain

Commands available at Pro rank

-Build Commands (inHaze)

A less known plugin with formulas to help the advanced builder

Permissions not complete

-Better Brushes (unknown)

An almost secret plugin that eases the sniping process

Permissions being tested

-GoBrush (Arcaniax)

A newer plugin mainly used for terrain

Available at Architect rank

-Fast Async WorldEdit (Empire92)

A plugin like Async WorldEdit, but speeds WorldEdit up, not slows it down.

Included with any WorldEdit given


Community projects posted by members on this server

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06/25/2019 9:34 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Engineer
DalekEric's Avatar
It's so gay I love it owo and you should too
08/20/2016 11:45 am
Level 32 : Artisan Cake
dr_Cheesecake's Avatar
Looks good, I'll have a look at it!
06/23/2016 7:43 pm
Level 50 : Grandmaster Steve
StevenWay's Avatar
The air ships are sick :)
06/23/2016 7:59 pm
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
HippOut's Avatar
Put air before anything and we have it... so many people focus on ships and blimps and such
06/22/2016 2:50 pm
Level 21 : Expert Architect
The_Real_Diamond4747's Avatar
This server is great, it has great staff and community. The staff help people go from a simple build to a great build. The rank system is great too. I recommend this server to people who want to be good or already good at building.
06/12/2016 6:14 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
bobobanna123456's Avatar
This server has great staff, and community. The will give you tips and answer your questions, And they will be honest. Building on this server is awesome, especially since there are ranks to look forward to. I definetly recommend the server if your looking for a good fun time on minecraft.
06/11/2016 6:03 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
HowdyPartner's Avatar
I really Like The Concept Of The Rankings! I will probably use this server as a backup for another creative server. :D
04/09/2016 12:16 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
ColonelOdd's Avatar
02/06/2016 3:00 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Architect
NovaArch's Avatar
The watermark really helps me see things well
02/06/2016 3:22 pm
Level 21 : Expert Explorer
HippOut's Avatar
The server helps you see things well. You can see them if you come on it
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