Minecraft Servers

Ealz [1.8.1] No Whitelist! Easy reserved slot application!

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studioloft's Avatar studioloft
Level 21 : Expert Ninja
Status Offline Pinged: 03/09/24
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Visit us at: Ealz.net

Ealz Minecraft - [noun] - oTo provide a professional and high quality service to players of the Ealz Minecraft community, while at the same time maintaining a fun and enjoyable atmosphere.o

About Ealz

Ealz was founded on the idea of being unsatisfied with the nature of the Minecraft Multiplayer servers. These were mismanaged, being controlled by admins who ignored the needs of their players, only seeking to stroke their own egos. Rather than complaining we decided to create something we could stand by and support, thus Ealz was born.

At Ealz Minecraft, we strive to offer the best Minecraft Multiplayer experience possible. Ealz is more than a forum, an Image board, or even any other random game server out there. The driving force behind our continued existence is our community. Minecraft is constantly changing and we have at times struggled to keep pace, but our users have pulled through for us and taught us that we canot solely run the show. Ealz thrives on the happiness and success of you and your creations. Our outstanding map is made up of expansive and complex community projects collaborated on by many and we encourage your participation.

Revolutionizing your game play with a unique take on community integration and server management, offering varied game types as diverse as our community itself. We are an ever changing community and love growth and new ideas. We started from a old Hamachi-based self run server, to now multiple high class servers, all not possible without the great support from our community.

All players, from the brand new Minecrafter, to the well established YouTuber, and even the the battle hardened veteran of the Minecraft wild knows we offer the most innovate experience out there.

To the discerning Minecrafter that dwells within you all, come and join our community!


Connect to the server right now by typing in mc.ealz.net:29365! There is absolutely nowhitelist so you can connect right away!
To connect to the site, simply type in ealzminecraft.com!

About the Server

Server specs are as following:
  • CPU Intel Q8400
  • 4 Cores
  • Speed 2.66GHz
  • RAM 4GB
  • RAID Type RAID 1 Software
  • Storage Infinite

Currently, Ealz Minecraft does not own our own physical server. Our server specs as listed above are being rented out from a server hosting company. We hope that with the donations and sales on our site we can collect enough money to not only pay for our monthly rental fees, but to pay for our own dedicated server!


The plugins we currently have installed listed below - linked to Bukkit page:
  • AncientGates - Creates custom gates to/from a specific location.
  • AutoMessage - Automatically displays custom messages in defined intervals.
  • DeafultPermissions - Makes default commands compatible with Permissions.
  • Essentials - Provides commands and abilities MC otherwise doesn't have.
  • FalseBook - Provides the server with additional in-game modifications.
  • FlowControl - Allows you to start/stop the flow of lava & water via circuit.
  • InfChests - A sign-based command allowing chests to have an infinite supply.
  • Lockette - Allows users to lock chests & doors from public use.
  • MagicCarpet - Allows users to jump up on floating blocks of Glass.
  • MobileAdmin - Gives server Administrators access to the server via Android.
  • MultiVerse - Creates multiple worlds within the server instead of just one.
  • MySQL - Logs player brick placement, and chat for griefer rollbacks.
  • Permissions - Provides all classes with the ability to edit what they may access.
  • RemoteBukkit - Server interface for Administrators to modify the server.
  • Reporter - Allows regular users of the server to report other users actions.
  • RocketBoots - Gives a user the ability to fly through the air!
  • SQLite - ...I honestly have no clue what this does ...keeps reinstalling itself o.o
  • SimpleSign - Gives signs the ability to contain color along with send commands.
  • StarGate - A simple method of making teleporting gates to transport players.
  • WorldEdit - A Administrator/OP plugin allowing in-game bulk edit.
  • WorldGuard - Protection application and zone manager.
  • xWarp - Sign-based teleporting from one location to another.

Visit us at: Ealz.net

Additional Notes

Ealz is a Minecraft server that is both a SMP, and a freebuild! All of that depends on what area/world of the server you are in. We are 100% without whitelist, so connect right on up!
Creditkoolieo, 5thbow

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12/22/2012 7:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ROBOT12354's Avatar
Ealz.net, I am going to miss you. I say good bye to a brilliant server today Fellow minecrafters. Farewell MC.ealz.net :(
11/23/2011 3:11 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Miner
crazymoon101's Avatar
looks like one more update
01/16/2012 10:05 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ROBOT12354's Avatar
The Server Is in the process of updating at the moment But, It May take a while the chances of any of the old players coming back are low The server is still running version 1.0.0 this forum thread is old but If anyone actually is reading this Join the server is up and running.
I Am Currently looking into the ban list if you where banned by mistake Please post here

-Ealz Admin
11/03/2011 6:25 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Qibbles's Avatar
11/02/2011 12:36 am
Level 1 : New Miner
ROBOT12354's Avatar
Aannd its back down AGAIN
11/02/2011 9:23 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
sancago's Avatar
not anymore
10/29/2011 2:28 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
sancago's Avatar
Well apparently its back up now!
10/25/2011 9:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ROBOT12354's Avatar
xD xD server is up xD join it
10/12/2011 5:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
yoyobi's Avatar
bad connection =( cant get on =O
10/05/2011 5:32 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
yoyobi's Avatar
and i might bring some friends
=D =D =D
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