Minecraft Servers

Clovercraft SMP

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  • 7 server score
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Zenfrii's Avatar Zenfrii
Level 5 : Apprentice System
Status Pinging...
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
Clovercraft SMP
Season 5 ? discord.gg/clovercraft
Connect With
Clovercraft is an open and supportive Minecraft community for adults 18+. We have an active and international user base and strive to be welcoming to people of all backgrounds. Our server runs on PaperMC, with a variety of server-side plugins to enhance the vanilla experience, while staying 100% vanilla compatible.

Now is a great time to join, as we just launched our 5th season on the SMP! Whether you're looking to explore the world, set up camp at your own base, or build together with our community of players, there's room for everyone.

In addition to the SMP, our community makes room to play other games together, including regular Discord game nights, Clovercraft guilds in other games our members are playing,

If you're interested in joining, head on over to our Discord! We ask all members to specify their age (you must be 18+) and pronouns as part of our member introductions and whitelisting process.

Community Highlights:
- Active and welcoming Discord community, full of diverse members from across the globe.
- LGBTQ+ friendly community, with staff striving for a comfortable environment for all
- Regular Discord events, including games nights, film nights, podcast nights, and a book club!
- Ongoing SMP Quests which encourage server exploration and challenge even the most well-equipped players.
- Rotating alt-servers for different game types and mod packs
- Easy-to-read wiki to help you get started!
- Discord bot games with premium MEE6.
- A Patreon subscription program that helps you gain cool extras while helping support the server's running costs.
- Official modpacks for client-side improvements, maintained by our staff

Server Modifications:
- In-game economy with player and admin villager shops
- Lands plugin offers player claims with lots of extra options
- McMMO for additional skills and abilities
- NPCs and quest building tools for custom experiences
- Big Doors plugin for large, multi-block doors
- Warps, teleport requests, and personal player home warps
- Minecraft version updates as they come out.
- Multiplayer sleep night-skip.
- Anti-griefing and anti-x-ray tools.
- Custom mobs, hostile and friendly, to enrich the world
- Custom cosmetic items are available to all members.
- (Optional) proximity voice chat.

Quick Links!
- Discord (join here first)
- Website
- Player Guide


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          12/30/2023 2:01 pm
          Level 1 : New Explorer
          firefly1966's Avatar
          can I get whitelisted?
          12/31/2023 7:19 pm
          Level 5 : Apprentice System
          Zenfrii's Avatar
          Hey Firefly! I know you've found your way online already, but just in case anyone else comes here to ask:

          To get on the whitelist, folks can head over to our Discord server, then sign up for the SMP at our website. You'll need to be a member of the Discord first though.
          Planet Minecraft


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