Minecraft Servers

BuildCraftia | play.buildcraftia.com

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BuildCraftia's Avatar BuildCraftia
Level 44 : Master Network
BuildCraftia | play.buildcraftia.com
Status Online! Pinged: 07/13/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
BuildCraftia Network [1.9-1.20]
DTC, Survival, Realms, & Creative!
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BuildCraftia | play.buildcraftia.com Minecraft Server

Our Creative server offers the best tools for creative gameplay!

The Creative server is plot based but that doesn’t mean boring flatlands. We have implemented plot themes which are custom premade terrains for your plots, which you can choose on claim and change afterwards. Besides the regular overworld plots, we have created nether and end dimension plot worlds.

The plot size or amount isn’t a problem either. All players are able to merge plots and remove the roads in between. You can get more plots by voting (one each day you vote on all voting sites). Plots can be customized with biomes and plot flags which enable you to change the time, weather and other variables.

All members have access to basic WorldEdit. BuildCraftia has blazing fast WorldEdit and every player has access to the basic commands. By voting, you can gain full range of commands.

Voting earns you lots of perks. By voting you gain something called Reputation which earns you perks which include: permanent WorldEdit commands, access to bigger plots and armorstand tools. You also get perks on our other servers!

We also offer you a bunch of custom features. Custom player heads menu, banner menu, armorstand editing tools, unlimited homes and more! Creative is constantly evolving and we’re adding more and more features - most of which are suggested by our community.

Read more about our Creative server here: https://bcsn.us

BuildCraftia | play.buildcraftia.com Minecraft Server

Our Survival is a peaceful, claim based server. By playing on the server you earn claim blocks which allow you to claim and protect your builds. You can also add your friends to your claims to help you. The more you play, the more land you have access to.

The game is based on economy, trading and expanding your claim. You can earn money by selling your items to the admin shops, other players or even offering your services to other players. Are you the one to conquer the balance list?

BuildCraftia | play.buildcraftia.com Minecraft Server

Destroy The Core is -the- minigame of BuildCraftia. We were the first ones to create a game of this type. Played by many of the big names of YouTube including Graser10 and ItsKricken.

Destroy the Core, or DTC for short, is a multiplayer two team pvp game. The objective is to destroy the enemy’s obsidian core while protecting your own core. The game offers many cool kits to use in the game which all can be upgraded by the Network Currency. Good bow and pvp skills are needed.

BuildCraftia Realms are pretty close to Minecraft Realms, but a thousand times better. These are like mini versions of servers. You can rent a Realms for you and your friends to share. Each Realm gets its own IP for players to use but connecting from the BuildCraftia servers is possible as well.

You can choose what kind of a world you want, which plugins are installed and more. You’re able to use commandblocks and your members have access to the blazing fast WorldEdit (a few million blocks a second).

Read more about Realms here: <linketh>

Join our community on Discord! Discuss about the newest Minecraft features, server news and suggest ideas. Join us here: https://discord.gg/HbdUAXQ

Should you have any questions about BuildCraftia, ask in the comments or send a private message here on Planet Minecraft or BuildCraftia Forums.

BuildCraftia Facebook: [url=www.facebook.com/BuildCraftia/
[/url]BuildCraftia Twitter: [url=twitter.com/BuildCraftia
[/url]BuildCraftia website: http://bcsn.us

© BuildCraftia Server Network 2016
CreditBuildCraftia Staff Team + the community

7 Update Logs

BuildCraftia's 8th Anniversary : by BuildCraftia 10/11/2019 2:35:21 amOct 11th, 2019

Hey everyone!

BuildCraftia is celebrating its 8th anniversary! The server was established on October 10th, 2011 and here we are today after 8 whole years! Wowie! ✨

There have been ups and downs, times when we thought the server would be no more but we’ve been working our way through those obstacles and disruptions. For the server, the community is everything. We want to thank you for sticking around this long and we hope you’ll enjoy your time with us in the future as well. Your feedback is vital to us, so please be sure to keep suggesting us new ideas, games and features to implement 😘

To celebrate, we’re having Double Fish Week until Sunday, the 20th and sales up to 50% in our webstore (https://shop.bcsn.us/)!

✨ Ranks 33% off
✨ Companions 50% off (more coming soon)

And as always, have an awesome time on BuildCraftia!

Community projects posted by members on this server

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10/04/2019 10:57 pm
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04/12/2020 12:37 pm
Level 21 : Expert Procrastinator
Nikilios's Avatar
I'm very late to this, but I'd like to clear up a few things. The owners of the server do most of the plugins, and payments out of their own pockets, and even then the server remains to be up, stable, and enjoyable to be on (and there's only two), there is also almost always a staff member on as well. If that's poor management you clearly sat on the server for about a day or two and know nothing about the server. I also don't see the rules being a link as an issue either because it's all common sense courtesy things, and even then we're usually fairly lenient. Back to the staff, we don't use tags because tags are ugly, instead you can tell who's staff if their name is bold in chat and tab, and the color designates their rank. Realms also isn't a rip off of actual Realms, server hosting has always been a thing and always will be, and bears no resemblance to Minecraft Realms besides that they are both ways to host a server or world. Our population has been low but I don't really see why that's an issue, in fact I like it as it feels more community based then a server filled with 50 people all chatting in chat at once all the time. Hopefully I cleared up so things for you and others who may read this, sorry for the late reply 😁.
Galactic Craft
04/12/2020 6:16 pm
Level 40 : Master Network
Galactic Craft's Avatar
If a player has to be on for more than 1-2 days after joining to really start to enjoy the server, it's not a good server. Rules are definitely not supposed to be the same as common sense. Rules are rules to very clearly establish what not to do on a server. Common sense is second to that. As for the tags, of course I wouldn't be able to identify who's staff because apparently the server decided it was easier to assume that people with bold names would be recognized as staff by the players for whatever reason. In reality, you don't want your players to have to guess who's staff and who's not. Simply making their name bold with no tag increases the difficulty of that process. In conclusion, it's not a fairly well set up system in my opinion. It's too easy to get confused. All of the things I mentioned could be fixed within like 30 minutes and have little to no drawbacks.
04/13/2020 10:36 am
Level 21 : Expert Procrastinator
Nikilios's Avatar
Not quite sure why playing on a server for like 2 days doing nothing is a deciding factor in a server that's very community based, but sure. I do agree with rules and common sense being separate but as I mentioned before, we're very lenient on rules and rules typically are just basic common sense and courtesy. Also not quite sure why not having tags is an issue, if someone asks for a staff member people are very quick to reply and let people know, the bold name and unique colors from donation ranks exists to clearly distinguish staff from normal players without the use of a tag, it serves the exact same purpose. There's also a list of staff members in the spawn, which you're supposed to go through to understand these things as well.
Galactic Craft
04/13/2020 7:05 pm
Level 40 : Master Network
Galactic Craft's Avatar
My personal experience is this: if a player joins and within the first 12 hours doesn't like it, they leave. Assuming they'll stay for 1-2 days is an extremely rare case. Not having tags is an issue because you assume all of the players will correctly inform new players that people with bold names are staff. What if someone wants to impersonate a staff member or purposely mislead someone? I understand that by default, staff have powers and can deal with that, but still. Secondly, players don't always automatically ask for help, especially when they don't know if any staff are online. This makes it more difficult because it will be harder to tell who staff are. People don't want to have to go through a list of staff at spawn, nor can you rely on that people will go through a tutorial 100% of the time. I've stated that all of these issues can be fixed with little to no work and barely any consequences. As you stated, it's a matter of preference. I didn't particularly enjoy my visit, not for any of these reasons, but simply because it didn't really feel like a well established place. Thank you for being civil about the feedback though.
04/14/2020 9:54 am
Level 21 : Expert Procrastinator
Nikilios's Avatar
To be frankly honest if someone doesn't go through a server spawn to understand a server's workings or whatever else is there, it's sort of their fault if they don't understand those workings and such. I don't think there would be any consequences to changing these things, because they don't really need to be changed, tags are ugly and I've personally never seen people confused about the bold names being staff members and even a few have asked if the bold names denote staff before even asking for staff, or their questions. And as I mentioned before, our server now-a-days is very community based and we all know each other fairly closely and have for years, with the server being so community based, it isn't a server you grow to in a day, even though we do get very friendly people every once in a while who do decide to stay. I guess it does just boil down to preference really.
Stinky Villager
09/14/2019 2:53 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Stinky Villager's Avatar
the ip of server
09/15/2019 2:32 pm
Level 44 : Master Network
BuildCraftia's Avatar
Our IP is: bcsn.us
05/29/2018 4:59 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Meme
Altera's Avatar
Neat new design, me likey
05/31/2018 12:48 pm
Level 44 : Master Network
BuildCraftia's Avatar
Thanks! It's looking so fresh.
10/26/2017 3:53 pm
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Meme
Altera's Avatar
The end and nether plot world are really neat! Keep it up
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