Minecraft Servers

BlockKingdom Reborn 1.13.2

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Sammy5k's Avatar Sammy5k
Level 1 : New Miner
Status Offline Pinged: 05/25/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
§2§l-[-[-[-[-[§r§l §a§lBlockKingdom§r§l §5§lReborn§r§l §2§l]-]-]-]-]-§r§l
§6§l// Classic Towny Experience // 1.13.2 //
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BlockKingdom Reborn

BlockKingdom Reborn focuses on the ideals that the server is simple, relaxed, and fun.
The original server started in 2012 as a Towny survival server to appease the Minecraft community who looked for a good community, relaxed gameplay, and an overall well-defined Minecraft experience. Not only had that server lasted for nearly 4 years, the server connected players from all over the globe, ranging from Malaysia to Brazil. On this server, we hope to bring back the experience that the players once had and rebuild the community that we once had.


We offer a gameplay experience called Towny, which is a gamemode that allows players to build their own towns and invite players to expand their territory. In addition to Towny, we added an economy as currency between players, which will allow trading and much more opportunities. Besides from making money and expanding towns, we offer 30 FREE in-game ranks that players can obtain. The paid ranks that we will offer will not only be worth your money but also fair to ALL players. We stand by all fairness and will not tolerate cheating of any kind. Because of this, all staff including Owners who play on the server will have no access to unfair advantages and will be limited to the free ranks or their paid ranks. All staff roles have permissions to aid them in their duties.
Towny has been a major part of BlockKingdom, which is why we must support it by adding different, but simple features to support the plugin. On this server, we will bring an adventure aspect to the survival server. Dungeons and ruins will soon to be available for all users to loot and enjoy.

We hope that you will enjoy the server.
Have any feedback? We are here to listen to what you have to say! Please do not hesitate to suggest a few things that we can work on and we will consider it.

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