Minecraft Servers

SaltCraft - Über Ultra Hard Survival

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Bco1981's Avatar Bco1981
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
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Game VersionMinecraft Java
This server is designed to kill you
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Survival server - No death ban.

If you think minecraft is too easy, and that you need a challenge.

Then is this a server for you.

It is a survival server However, PVP is allowed, there is no whitelist.

If you can survive 7 Minecraft days on this server without dying, you will
be able to call yourself a Pro Minecraft gamer.
(This does not apply if you are a coward and just hide in a small enclosed space)

Things you should know:
Dirt and cobble don't hower anymore, they fall when updated, just like sand and gravel.
In order to get cobble, you have to finde exposed coal ore.
That should get you startet.
Oh yeah... you can't regenerate health, you can only fill up you hungerbar to avoid starvation. The only way to get hearts back is by eating a golden apple or using a health potion.

Good luck... you will really need it...


Additional Notes

Ultra Hardcore survival, only one rule... No cheating... Anything goes... PVP, greifing, you are on your own. Be warned, this server is designed to try to kill you... Muahahahaaaa!!!!

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Bco1981 06/19/2014 5:53:35 amJun 19th, 2014

Map has been reset, added a few plugins. server set for large biomes.

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10/06/2019 2:05 pm
Level 42 : Master Architect
Craft's Avatar
Why is this not 1.9 or 1.14.4 yet? D:
02/20/2020 9:16 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
Bco1981's Avatar
I would ike it to be, but over half the plugins i use on this server has not been updated :(
10/21/2015 8:45 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Mactso's Avatar
Are you saying a protected user area?   Like a protection stone?  I don't understand the idiom "user-privates".

Personally I like a server that was more pve than pvp but very hard.  However, any hard server doesn't seem to hold population.  Not what most players are into.  Even on PVE, you always get griefers.  Griefers are going to find a way to grief.
10/22/2015 10:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
wgent_com's Avatar
Yes, protected user area. Like protection stone, or /rg, or /residence.
I like PvP, i like PvE, but i prefer PvA. Griefing of not-protected buildings is not interesting. Griefing protected areas (including protected user areas) always contain PvA (because of breaking protection settings, set by admin), it is more difficult, but it is more fun.
BTW why you called this server "hard"? I griefed its SpawnArea easy, alredy twice.
10/18/2015 4:06 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Mactso's Avatar
chicken farm somewhere below spawn.  said it was at 0,11 so below spawn building.
best fix is to extend worldregion from bedrock to top of sky in spawn area.
10/18/2015 6:12 am
Level 1 : New Miner
wgent_com's Avatar
Expanding all the Spawn area is not needed. Range of 8 chunks square-radius (from -128,,-128 to 128,,128) is enought. This (8+8)*(8+8) = 256 chunks (called "Spawn-chunks") are permanently loaded at any bukkit-server when at least 1 player is online. At mc-msu.ru, we use them to build railroad around spawn area: even if player leave minecart, minecart doesn't stop and block another minecarts, but continue moving until it reach unmounting terminal at Spawn.
Outside of this area user-privates are allowed at mc-msu.
Really, people! Allow user-privates. Now, the game on your server is like the singleplay: nobody can show his wonderful home&farms to other players. All the players run from Spawn far, far away and dont interact. I think, this is wrong way.
10/17/2015 5:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
wgent_com's Avatar
Server just griefed (lagged) by wgent_com, mc-msu team.
Dear owner of "botono"! You wrote in the "Chicken area" (at Spawn): "You may grief anyone, anywhere".
So, I have griefed YOU!
Please do not ban me for i made your "Chicken area" full of chicken eggs, meat and feathers ;-)))
10/17/2015 10:17 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
wgent_com's Avatar
P.S. After get griefed, admin has updated his server upto version 1.8
It can't help you, dude! Kill chickens and switch lever to "Spawn chickens: OFF".
10/18/2015 6:25 am
Level 14 : Journeyman Miner
Bco1981's Avatar
The server is 1.7.10, it allows players with 1.8 to join, but the server is 1.7.10.

A while back i updated the server for 1.8. But when i found out that there was a slowmo-jumping bug when you hit a mob, that changed the gameplay and i didn't like it so i downgraded the server 1.7.10 again.

I have tested a snapshot of 1.9 and it still has the slowmo-jumping af mobs, so i don't see that this server will be updated anytime soon.
07/08/2014 10:27 am
Level 25 : Expert Spelunker
Magratt's Avatar
I came in, it was night, I had to read the rules to be able to do something. The problem was that I got jumped by several zombies. They cant hurt me while reading. But I would be dead as soon as I'm done. So I quit. I'll try join again. But I really dont see the reason for this when there are no rules, exept dont cheat
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