Minecraft Servers

Bedstemors Verden 1.18.1

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Fregnesisse's Avatar Fregnesisse
Level 8 : Apprentice Miner
Bedstemors Verden 1.18.1
Status Online! Pinged: 07/13/24
Game VersionMinecraft Java
    Bedstemors Verden 1.20.2
    Familyfreindly OoO SMP
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Bedstemors Verden, or just BV, is danish and means granny's world.

We are a small community with a couple of servers:

- Classic:
The oldest server of BV, version 1.12.2. It is a SMP-server and the world won't be changed.

- Nowadays:
A newer SMP-server with a couple of plugins and home-wrote datapacks. We will try to keep the server up-to- date. The current version is 1.16.4

- Vanilla Quadrant:
This server is entirely vanilla (Except one hub-related plugin), and is ran by home-wrote datapacks. It will be updated along with Minecraft. 1.16.2

The newest server on BV is an exciting server, there are Survival, Games, Quest, Plots and much more, jump in and explore the server.1.16.2

BV youtube channel

If you have questions or just curious, feel free to contact me (Freg). Thanks!

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Fregnesisse 07/25/2020 5:36:55 amJul 25th, 2020

News! The space server Vanilla Quadrant 1.16.2 has been open, you can jump into it through a portal in the Lobby
What the server is about ? It's a space server where you have to collect as many resources and earn chips (the server economy) , then you can take a flight out to the sky, and claim your own astoride , but it's just a short explanation, join the server and feel the freedom of weightlessness :-)
There will be some toturials on Youtube soon, and feel free to ask, if you want to know more.

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10/29/2020 6:12 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Sailor
Captain_NA's Avatar
Nice server
Planet Minecraft


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