Minecraft Servers

Apocalyptic Gaming Vanilla Survival - Factions/Towny/Economy/Shops/Plots/GriefPrevention (1.5.2-1.13.2 Network)

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  • 106 server score
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Zilacon's Avatar Zilacon
Level 34 : Artisan Network
Apocalyptic Gaming Vanilla Survival - Factions/Towny/Economy/Shops/Plots/GriefPrevention (1.5.2-1.13.2 Network)
Status Pinging...
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
AGN HUB | Gateway to 27+ Mod/Vanilla Servers!
Join our Community! | APOCGAMING.ORG/DISCORD
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Apocalyptic Gaming Networks
Website: http://apocgaming.org
Discord: https://discord.gg/uctbDQb

This is our Vanilla server, all of the below are features on all of our servers vanilla and modded so dont forget to check all of our servers out! The vanilla server also acts as the 1.7.10 HUB so modded clients can connect to play mini games or events. This server will always be the latest minecraft version. This server supports minecraft client versions 1.4.7 up to 1.13.2.

Gameplay Types on APOC:
  • Protected Building: Building on our Survival world gives you a griefing, raiding, and pvp free world to make your creations on and take on monsters.
  • Griefing & Raiding: ALL worlds besides Survival are griefing and raiding allowed.
  • Exploring: Go to our Resource world to checkout all of the dungeons our server has to offer.
  • Mining: Resource world is reset monthly to make sure everyone has plenty of ores and resources to harvest. This also makes sure dungeons are fresh and ready to conquer.
  • Factions: Want to be a part of something bigger? Join a faction with friends and declare war on your enemies in the Factions world. Griefing/Raiding/PVP are all allowed here.
  • Role Playing: With our custom APOC-RPG plugin, MCMMO, and RPG mods on APOC you have custom gear, mob drops, dungeon spawns, upgradeable effects and auras, skills, and so much more!
  • Economy: Our economy system is custom, with over 60 ways to earn economy by playing on the server! We have custom admin shops, player shops, plots, voting rewards, crate system, and more all in one plugin!
  • Vanilla Skyblock: Like playing the original vanilla skyblock? We got that!
  • Modded Skyblock: Kick it up a notch to Agrarian Skies style with modded skyblock!
  • Spawn: This is our spawn world, we have admin and player shops here. You can buy plots of land in spawn to create your own custom player shop.
  • Resource: This is the main overworld, which means everything from mods is activated on this world. We reset it monthly to ensure fresh dungeon and ore spawns. We encourage players to mine here for their resource needs.
  • Survival: This world is the most protected world on our server. You can build what you want and play how you want without worrying about pvp, griefing, or raiding. This world uses GriefPrevention for claiming and protecting your home.
  • Factions: This is our faction world for the factions plugin you can create a faction, claim your land, and wage war on others. Allows pvp, griefing, and raiding.
  • Towny: This is our towny world for the Towny plugin you can create a town or nation and wage war on others or live in harmony. Allows pvp, griefing, and raiding.
  • protected there is no Griefing or Raiding allowed.
  • Modded Worlds: These worlds are from mods such as GalactiCraft, Twilight Forest, etc. Claiming/Factions/Towny are not possible here. PVP/Griefing/Raiding is allowed.
Servers we host:
  • (1.5.2) Hexxit: HEX.APOCGAMING.ORG
  • (1.5.2) Voltz: VOL.APOCGAMING.ORG
  • (1.6.4) Agrarian Skies: AS.APOCGAMING.ORG

  • (1.6.4) Attack of the B-Team: BT.APOCGAMING.ORG

  • (1.6.4) Tekkit Space/Main: TM.APOCGAMING.ORG
  • (1.6.4) Test Pack Please Ignore: TPPI.APOCGAMING.ORG
  • (1.6.4) Yogscast Complete: YCC.APOCGAMING.ORG
  • (1.7.10) APOC Tech & RPG (Custom Pack): TRPG.APOCGAMING.ORG


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03/21/2019 6:03 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Benguin770's Avatar
APOC Gaming is one of the best BTeam servers out there. Very few items are banned, the server has Greif Protection, and I haven't had any problems with lag. The server is the opposite of pay2win, with many opportunities to vote in return for in-game items. Staff are very supportive and are usually readily available. Highly Recommend.
11/30/2018 2:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Shadowed_0ne's Avatar
The servers are nice to be in (Very good community and people)

The network does indeed focus on what the players want and the servers have a little lag but it's manageable with some edits to the game
Personal favorite server is the adventure and rpg pack
05/26/2017 2:58 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Network
Shane1199's Avatar
This network focuses on providing the best experience for it's players. That is why I joined, and why I am still here. They listen to the players and their suggestions, and have high quality servers with no lag.
04/11/2017 7:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
VaultTecRep's Avatar
This server is ok, I like it, I lag alot though at spawn and at my friends isle, the server has magic and can support alot of computers which made it stand out from sf2 and modpacks of the like, I hope to see better things out of this server I give it a 7/10 rating it isnt bad, but could be better
03/02/2017 6:53 pm
Level 1 : New Network
IllumiNaughty420's Avatar
APOC is one of my favorite servers. Actually it is my favorite. I have been on many server but none quite like this, and I'm not taking about their many servers that have mods that range from sky mods to rpg mods. I implore all of you to join this amazing creation made by one of the best owners I've met (Zilacon, who has this server purely for the players). You can tell by the way they run this server, they care for the players and want the best server it could be. I hope if anyone reads this they come on the server because I know I will be on APOC to welcome you along with the helpful staff.
12/30/2016 5:34 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Albo_DNA's Avatar
So i had to dig up my old PMC account to write this review but it's worth it because APOC is sooooo good.

The story is that i left minecraft for a a long while (heck, the last message i have saved in my PMC logs is from 3 years ago...) but recently i decided to come back to it with some friends. So i did some sigging around on the internet for modded servers and APOC kept coming back in the top lists so i decided to give it a try. Ho-oh boy was that the right move. Immediately reccomended to all my 4 (yeah i know, mr popular here xD) friends and we started playing on the Tekkit Main server. We have now moved onto the Yogs Complete server and both are functioning beautifully.

Im not going to lie, we all experience a bit of server lag occasionally, but that is most probably die to the fact that we're located in Central Europe and the servers in the US. And the lag is completely within the acceptable range for a modded server (and honestly a vanilla one as well...). The voting system that is in place is really nice as it's immediately rewarding and you feel that urge to go vote again and again. The fact that you can get donor ranks for voting is probably the best business idea i have ever heard. You guys get ads and i get free stuff. I'm so ok with that...

Honestly no major complaints on all the servers i've visited so far.

Thanks APOC
Offcial Skyverse
12/17/2016 9:15 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Offcial Skyverse's Avatar
Quite a great server in my opinion, a lot of servers that are in modpacks usually disappoint me or are very limited but APOC does something special. I can't really put my finger on it, maybe the helpful and active staff or the spot on up-times. It has a great community of people who aren't rude or just won't talk, I like how everyone tries to get a piece of the pie in the conversation whenever we have a discussion. All and all I think it never fails to disappoint and I haven't seen any other servers out there that can match them in the modded community.
11/19/2016 6:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
DarkMists's Avatar
I having been playing on AGN servers since 2014. I have tried other servers that have come and gone but Apoc is always there. I hope to see you on!
10/22/2016 11:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Valla_Azura's Avatar
I have played on many of the different servers with APOC. I have had no issues with any of them. The staff are very friendly and helpful, and there is always at least one on (that I have seen). The variety of mod-packs that they handle are well able to meet most peoples wants or needs. I would suggest giving the server a try, finding a mod-pack that you find fun!
10/22/2016 12:57 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Network
Zilacon's Avatar
Thank you! Remember if you find any bugs or problems please make a support ticket. Server related issues Staff cannot help with, so that's where I come in. :D
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