Minecraft Servers

Apocalyptic Gaming Network Yogscast Complete - MCMMO/Custom Drops & Loot/Economy & Shops/Plots/Multiworld/PVP & PVE/Factions & Towny

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  • 80 server score
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Zilacon's Avatar Zilacon
Level 34 : Artisan Network
Apocalyptic Gaming Network Yogscast Complete - MCMMO/Custom Drops & Loot/Economy & Shops/Plots/Multiworld/PVP & PVE/Factions & Towny
Status Pinging...
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Apocalyptic Gaming Networks
Website: http://apocgaming.org
Discord: https://discord.gg/uctbDQb

Yogscast Complete requires the Technic Launcher or AT Launcher to join, simply download it from http://www.technicpack.net/download and search 'APOC YCC' on the launcher search bar. Server IP is included in the pack. All of our server packs have our APOC logo on them.
  • Multiworld: Our worlds Resource, Spawn, Survival, Factions, and Towny along with the modpack worlds allow you to play your way. PVP and PVE specific worlds are available along with claiming and protection plugins for worlds.
  • Shops: Admin vanilla shops available in the spawn tower, and player controlled and ran spawn shops outside the tower in buyable plots. Players can purchase a plot in spawn and create a shop anyway they want and sell whatever they want at their own prices.
  • Economy: Our custom economy plugin gives a unique way of earning money from digging, mining, farming, brewing, crafting, smelting, fishing, killing monsters, killing players, logging in daily, being online hourly, and voting. Along with keys (crates) rewarded for voting/logging in/being online to give you one of hundreds of rewards when redeemed.
  • Minimal Banned Items/Mods: We only ban things that harm server performance, or cause crash loops with players. With this said our ban lists on our servers is so small its usually only a few items banned and Chunk Loaders are usually the main one. In YCC's case Turtles, Chunk Loaders/Anchors, Lux Capacitors, Magnetic Force, Heat Generators, and Wireless Block Extenders are our banned items on this server.
  • Plugins: We feature many plugins such as MCMMO and APOC-RPG (Custom items/drops/enchants/loot chests) along with protection plugins for all worlds, economy and reward plugins, weather and time voting, random teleportation, and much more.
Servers we Host:
  • (1.5.2) Hexxit: HEX.APOCGAMING.ORG
  • (1.5.2) Voltz: VOL.APOCGAMING.ORG
  • (1.6.4) Agrarian Skies: AS.APOCGAMING.ORG
  • (1.6.4) Attack of the B-Team: BT.APOCGAMING.ORG
  • (1.6.4) Tekkit Space/Main: TM.APOCGAMING.ORG
  • (1.6.4) Test Pack Please Ignore: TPPI.APOCGAMING.ORG
  • (1.6.4) Yogscast Complete: YCC.APOCGAMING.ORG
  • (1.7.10) APOC Tech & RPG (Custom Pack): TRPG.APOCGAMING.ORG
  • (1.7.10) Tekkit Legends: TLEG.APOCGAMING.ORG

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Zilacon 01/22/2019 5:45:34 amJan 22nd, 2019

Updated listing, description, pictures, etc.

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06/14/2019 4:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Mr_Amazed's Avatar
Love playing the YCC pack with my mate, great moderators on the server, really helpful. Particular item that cant be crafted but isnt on the banned list.

Despite that i think its a great server needs more love from the community.
Planet Minecraft


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