Minecraft Servers

Apocalyptic Gaming Modpack Network - 30+ Modded Servers! Custom bungeecord & plugins! Economy, shops, mcmmo, crates, kits, plots, towny, claims, and more!

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  • 270 server score
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Zilacon's Avatar Zilacon
Level 34 : Artisan Network
Apocalyptic Gaming Modpack Network - 30+ Modded Servers! Custom bungeecord & plugins! Economy, shops, mcmmo, crates, kits, plots, towny, claims, and more!
Status Pinging...
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
AGN HUB | Gateway to 27+ Mod/Vanilla Servers!
Join our Community! | APOCGAMING.ORG/DISCORD
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![Apocalyptic Gaming Network](cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/264118596224024580/617720454454444033/LOGO.png)

Apocalyptic Gaming Network(AGN) was founded in 2010, AGN is a multi-server modded/vanilla Minecraft network hosting 30+ servers.

### Features:
- GriefPrevention (Custom Made) & Towny
- Economy/Shops/Rewards including Kits/Keys/Crates/Vote Rewards (Custom Plugin)
- Dozens of worlds to explore & Bungeecord Network(Custom Made)
- Global Chat/Mail/Messaging (Custom Plugin)
- Active Discord Server
- 24/7 Active Staff in game and on Discord & 24/7 Uptime
- Minimal banned items (each server has less than 10 banned items)

### Links:
- Discord: discord.gg/DkNYWzB
- Website: apocgaming.org
- Instagram: apocgaming.org/instagram
- Twitter: apocgaming.org/twitter

### Direct IPs:
- Direct IPs can be found at: apocgaming.org/status/

### 1.5.2

- Hexxit
- Voltz

### 1.6.4

- Agrarian Skies
- Attack of the B-Team
- Tekkit Main/Space
- Test Pack Please Ignore
- Yogscast Complete

### 1.7.10

- GigaPack
- Tekkit Legends
- Tekxit 2
- FTB Infinity Evolved
- The 1.7.10 Pack
- Agrarian Skies 2
- Gregtech New Horizons

### 1.12.2

- The 1.12.2 Pack
- Tekxit 2
- Tekxit 3 LE
- Tekxit 3.14 PI
- Hexxit 2
- Hexxit Updated
- Roguelike Adventures and Dungeons
- RLCraft
- Sky Factory 4
- MC Eternal
- Dungeons, Dragons, Space Shuttles
- Tekkit 2

### 1.18.2


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09/19/2021 11:40 am
Level 1 : New Miner
LyraFae's Avatar
APOC is the modded server network I always keep going back to for a great time with a laid back community and server features that make the game even more fun to play. From my first time playing Agrarian Skies about six or seven years ago to now, I've always thoroughly enjoyed myself. The addition of earning in-game money just for playing definitely creates a new sense of purpose, and the crates are a great way to earn ranks, get more cash, and receive items that are actually useful. The staff are kind and helpful, and the owner, Zilacon, is always around to answer questions or just hang out and chat. I can't recommend APOC enough to anyone looking for a chill modded server to play on.
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