Minecraft Servers

Apex Zombies - Survival, Vanilla, Skyblock, Creative & Minigames

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ApexZombies's Avatar ApexZombies
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
Apex Zombies - Survival, Vanilla, Skyblock, Creative & Minigames
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United Kingdom
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Apex Zombies is a Zombie themed server that is friendly, welcoming and aims to offer a fun and enjoyable experience to all players! Don't worry, although we're zombie themed, that doesn't mean you're going to be swarmed by Zombies! Where did our story begin? As a means to test plugins which has slowly evolved into something much more. Our team are passionate and we will strive to give you the best experience we can - with that in mind, we're already planning for the next update!

Vanilla is as it states on the tin, Vanilla! We have had to add land claims, as this prevents your things from being destroyed/stolen. We've also added the Mob Heads + Armour Stand datapacks from Vanilla Tweaks.

Survival offers a more 'perky' version of Vanilla. It has things like Jobs, McMMO, /tpa, /sethome etc. You can even get married! PVP is turned off throughout Survival but you can head to the PVP Arena and battle your friends to see who has the best gear. Start yourself a town, create an XP warp or just venture out alone - Survival is a great place to do all of those things!

Skyblock is a classic, but is due some changes (minions and more!). In the meantime, get the feel for how Skyblock works by creating your island from our custom build starter islands & additions like island greenhouses, leveling and more! Please note: Skyblock is getting an overhaul & in its place we have Skygrid for the month of July!

Creative offers exactly that - creative mode! Everyone has access to our 'Regular' sized plots and you can build to your heart's content. You can also check out the Build Battle minigame which is on the Creative server offering a great chance to battle out your creative skills with your friends.

Ours servers run on 1.15.2 but have support for older versions.

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