Minecraft Servers

[1.7.2][Modded] AliensVsPredator

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Ri5ux's Avatar Ri5ux
Level 71 : Legendary Modder
[1.7.2][Modded] AliensVsPredator
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United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
A Minecraft Server
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You MUST have the latest Minecraft Forge and AliensVsPredator mod installed!

Link to the mod on the MinecraftForums: www.minecraftforum.net/topic/1521567-/
Link to the mod on PlanetMinecraft: www.planetminecraft.com/mod/alien-vs-predator-mod-1668966/

A survival server where players will survive by any means possible, even if it means killing your allies for their supplies. Supplies can be bought from shops with the in-game curency known as IGP. This server is designed specifically for the players who like a challenge. All spawn rates have been raised and the AliensVsPredator mod has been installed, which will give the server that extra edge of difficulty.

Supplies lost from death will not be given back to players. All supplies must be re-acquired by the players without the assistance of a staff member. 

All chests, furnaces, doors, and signs are protected, unless unlocked by the owner of each chest, furnace, door, or sign. There is no direct protection for other blocks on this server. If you manage to get griefed, notify the operator or admins and we will roll back any damages done to your property and ban the offending users.

All other information can be found on the server page itself. This includes Ranks, Rules and more up-to-date information:
CreditRi5ux, Mizermalice, CorruptedRuler, GNARWHAL5, POTATO_TOT, and many others.

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Ri5ux 06/13/2014 4:49:03 pmJun 13th, 2014

Updated to AliensVsPredator 3.9.D

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11/11/2017 2:02 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Death23Day23's Avatar
Get off your ass, I want to play on this server I will start voting on it so you get that code running X).
Jack her
06/04/2016 4:05 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Jack her's Avatar
Thats alright, cant wait till its active again,
Jack her
05/02/2016 5:14 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Jack her's Avatar
Ri5ux Ive been watching all of ulandos AvP vids and I want to know if this serer is active, because AVP is the best, also great job with the MOD, Also, Are there any Premetheis Rising servers, I really want to play with other players on it, THAT would be great, thx alot, And let ulandos know that he is doing a great job :P, BTW Jack Her isnt my minecraft Name.
05/09/2016 8:30 am
Level 71 : Legendary Modder
Ri5ux's Avatar
This server is inactive currently. Has been for a long time, but it will be back once I feel the survival gameplay is smooth. The only Prometheus Rising server I know of is private, sorry.
02/19/2016 3:26 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Skinner
DinoSurvivor's Avatar
this is cool if you opened it agan it would be asome id love it 1.7.10 how could i get the map for my self
02/19/2016 8:04 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Modder
Ri5ux's Avatar
You can't quite get the map, it's on an old version of the mod. It would need a lot of converting to even be usable again.
02/21/2016 4:08 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Skinner
DinoSurvivor's Avatar
oh im seeing that it is open right now.
02/22/2016 1:30 pm
Level 71 : Legendary Modder
Ri5ux's Avatar
I'm reviving it, but a little bit differently.
02/22/2016 11:43 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Skinner
DinoSurvivor's Avatar
oh are you trying to put it back on 1.7.10 or no. and sorry to hate but i don't like in the mod where they alien ship spawns it gets in the way and lags if you could fix that it would be appreciated.
03/04/2016 12:56 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
H_fireblastguy's Avatar
I wish the engineer ship actualy have the engineer in it, not just creepers, zombies.....
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