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Puregasm's Avatar Puregasm
Level 9 : Apprentice Hunter
Status Offline Pinged: 02/29/24
United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
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Here at AdventureCraft we have over 15+ Custom Plugins to make this server unique and we have a full economy going on.
This server is harder than the rest. Be careful I hope you don't turn into a zombie or bleed out for a gash you got jumping off a cliff or even frostbite for staying in a snowy biome to long or can you handle it after when you upgrade your skills or your health.Then we even have cannons for raiding the enemy base and when you finally see your enemy we have 7+ different bows you can choose from and make. And when you are trying to relax at your base and build don't let your horse die or even worse be taken, put it in the Stables so it will be safe. Can't forget the magic skills on top of the normal skills you can do. We have tons more come check us out :D You wont be disappointed. WE even have crates to get random items :D

[size=150%]Website and all the help on Plugins:[/size]
-Go to adventurecraft.my-free.website

We are looking for staff but do NOT come on the server and ask for staff because I will ignore you. How this server and I deal with staff is. I have to let you play on the server for a a little bit and let me know if i can trust you and how you handle problems that can occur. Please join the server and check it out before you fill this out to see if this server is right for you. Remember when you apply it doesnt mean your admin or mod until I say you are and that I can trust you. Fill this out in the comments below:
Why do you want to be staff?
How often would you play?
Have you been banned before?
Did you ever get Demoted?(Be honest)
How would u deal with hackers?
How would u deal with a person that is breaking a rule?

[size=150%]Plugins We Have:[/size]

2 Update Logs

Update #2 : by Puregasm 08/14/2015 10:53:49 pmAug 14th, 2015

[img]<a href=[/img]" alt="undefined" width="undefined" height="undefined" style="undefined" id="__mcenew" ></a>

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08/25/2015 4:01 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Hunter
Puregasm's Avatar
We put the rough draft of the new website so remember to check it out :F
08/01/2015 1:57 pm
Level 9 : Apprentice Hunter
Puregasm's Avatar
I just put up LeaderBoards for MobHunting :D
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