Minecraft Servers

Acidflux Minecraft [1.8] [Survival] [Town Plots/Residence] [Economy] [Nether/End] [Portals]

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oakley1261's Avatar oakley1261
Level 24 : Expert Engineer
Acidflux Minecraft [1.8] [Survival] [Town Plots/Residence] [Economy] [Nether/End] [Portals]
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United States
Game VersionMinecraft Java
Acidflux Minecraft
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Let me tell you about Acidflux Minecraft.

acidflux.us - standard minecraft port

No whitelist, join right now!

Freshly Remodeled and Reset!  Come join the fun with everyone else!

So, for a rundown all players get the following!

64x64 Plots protected from griefing for all!
32x32 Plots for player shops, free to all!
You get 1 /sethome location to go /home to
Play with your friends, no matter where they are in the world with TPA!
You get $500 to get started on your adventures with us!
Access to the Spawn Portal, to teleport you to all worlds, and areas available!
HUGE PVE world, 9 outposts in large areas!
PVP Specific World where you can compete for resources, or just gather people for a huge fight!
Event world added!  Lots of Mini Games and other things to spend time on!
Check out /help when you join and all pages for more information! (/help, /help 2, /help 3)

Please check out our website at http://acidflux.us to keep up on current info!

Thanks for checking us out! We hope to see you soon!


Additional Notes

Here at Acidflux Minecraft, we have 64x64 plots free to all users and protected from griefing! There are also 32x32 plots just for you to build your very own player store. Portals are in use, check out the Gate Room to get to any of the worlds available! Our wilderness area is Huge! There is also a specific area just for PVP, you can mine, and build, and PVP to your hearts content there. All other worlds are survival only, no PVP. You start with $500 to spend in game, buy from other players, or pick up a few quick things at the server shop! Lock your boxes in the wild, so people cant take your hard earned items! Check us out! We look forward to seeing you

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01/01/2020 11:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
QSScott's Avatar
Used to play on this server 6 years ago. I miss it everyday. If anyone reads this, any admins or previous players, thank you for making my decade amazing. I love you all.
12/04/2015 1:46 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Crafter
LordRiley's Avatar
I joined the server but there are no players online, its kind of boring with no one else there. but it looks like it could really be something if more people played
05/29/2014 9:07 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MTStartpro's Avatar
Love seeing those screenshots of the server before we reset it. Good ol' times.
06/09/2014 3:25 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
MTStartpro's Avatar
Which also is a hint towards us updating them soon, just a suggestion.
05/28/2014 12:22 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
toto003tom's Avatar
Best server ever
05/15/2014 2:07 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Hunter
TalethLost's Avatar
You guys need to get on here, this server is awesome! :D
10/25/2013 11:10 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Mr_Shoplifter's Avatar
Having trouble logging sense update. I suppose this is normal?
10/25/2013 4:13 pm
Level 24 : Expert Engineer
oakley1261's Avatar
Yes, the server has not been updated yet. So, you will need to Edit Profile prior to clicking play, and on the "Use version:" dropdown, select 1.6.4. If going to another minecraft server, you will need to go back and specify the Use Latest, or other version they may be using.
09/18/2013 5:03 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Pokemon
YTPmaster's Avatar
i wil try the server
05/28/2013 5:30 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
meetthenoah's Avatar
A great server nice people great adems and mods and just fun. in a stale of 1-10 I say 100
-marioandnoah :)
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