Minecraft Servers

Vox Populi [1.20.1 Survival Server, friendly community!] [Custom Classes and RPG Elements including Dungeons and Mob Arenas!] [As Seen On Youtube]

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  • 152 server score
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Zombiemold's Avatar Zombiemold
Level 49 : Master Network
Vox Populi [1.20.1 Survival Server, friendly community!] [Custom Classes and RPG Elements including Dungeons and Mob Arenas!] [As Seen On Youtube]
Status Pinging...
Game VersionMinecraft Java
= = = = = =Vox Populi Network= = = = = =
Cheers love! The memes are here!.
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Vox Populi [1.20.1 Survival Server, friendly community!] [Custom Classes and RPG Elements including Dungeons and Mob Arenas!] [As Seen On Youtube] Minecraft Server

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Vox Populi Minecraft Server
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  • In operation for over 10 years!
  • Custom Classes and gear
  • Dungeons, epic treasures to collect
  • Mob Arenas
  • Improved and custom fishing
  • Hand-tailored custom resource pack
  • Quality of life: warps, homes, auction house, land claiming
  • Economy
  • Constant development and interaction with staff
VISIT OUR YT: @voxpopulimc

Server: play.voxmc.org

Additional Notes

-Enforced server rules such as no griefing and family-friendly chat!

-Monthly Community Q&As about the server on our Discord!

420 Update Logs

9/5/23 : by Zombiemold 09/05/2023 6:01:48 pmSep 5th, 2023

We are updating to 1.20! The server will be undergoing maintenance on September 8th at 8pm Eastern time.

Community projects posted by members on this server

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12/22/2021 10:29 am
Level 9 : Apprentice Llama
TheNewHipHop's Avatar
I can't find any one else :( Where is every one? I'm in the wilderness
09/06/2021 11:57 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
SerenaAlpha's Avatar
I'm having a hard time joining. Almost every time it says timed out, or I join in the void.
07/16/2021 5:07 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Minecraft4639's Avatar
07/16/2021 5:01 pm
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
Minecraft4639's Avatar
every time i join it just says Failed To Log In:Null
05/27/2021 2:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
TDiZkyt's Avatar
my username: thedizkyt
10/03/2018 2:43 am
Level 1 : New Network
supert2002's Avatar
"great" server when I rejoin over years i was silence idk why
08/14/2017 9:44 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Architect
Hwat's Avatar
A great towny server... I really recommend playing. The lowest rank is $5.00, really cheap. Awesome events, dungeons and races.
07/11/2017 5:37 pm
Level 1 : New Network
Papercraft's Avatar
Its just Wynncraft 2.0
07/10/2017 2:49 am
Level 1 : New Miner
themeggypeggy's Avatar
If you're looking for a server that you can dive head first and dedicate hours to, this might be a good server for you. Unfortunately, I have had too many bad experiences on this train wreck bound to happen. To further elaborate, let me explain.

1. This server has staff members just like any other large community, but they have one drawback. They play favorites and allow non-staff members who are close to them know information they are specifically not told not to divulge information to the public (including their friends). While they put on a very professional stance on how the server runs by the book, most of the staff's quality is very low due to ignorance, immaturity, and lack of empathy during certain situations if they become personal.

2. They consistently update the server: adding more perks, more amazing sights, more spells and more roles. Sometimes they do silly things on their holiday events, but they almost always never fix previous bugs. If you lose an item and it's not your fault, you can be told it's player error and never receive the item(s) back. And sometimes it's done out of spite or hatred of a staff member. There is no moderating those in charge other than the owners (Zombiemold and Latingoddess) and sometimes they have no idea what is going on in their own servers.

3. On the server, you can make friends that'll last for years, but you can always make enemies. Getting to know people over the internet is always sketchy and everyone should be cautious of the people who "live" on the server. They try to keep victims safe, but sometimes they chose their own growth over what is right. Staff and judges that reside in the court system (that was created for them) sometimes put logic aside and willingly will allow people into power for their own agenda, whether they state it's for the best of the server or the best of the people. I have been told on multiple occasions that certain staff members are allowed to have such power over particular players is because they "benefit the community". I guess it's more of a moral battle that you often see in large corporations and companies.

4. It comes off as a democracy, but much like the American government lacks the voice of the people. They tried to in cooperate a judicial system to take pressure off the staff members as well as give the regular players some choice in who's in power as judge or not. While it does help the staff, people most often pick favorites and chose someone who might be nice and kind, but has no motive or drive to get the jobs done. While this system is in place and the thought is considering of the people, it also shows the bandwagon fallacy. Not only does the judicial system sometimes ignore what is appropriate and not, but certain voices are heard more clearly than others. For example, a staff member might favor a friend's ticket (a ticket is what you subject to when there is an issue or concern) other than another person's ticket that had come in hours or days before. If equality isn't shown, then is it really a Vox Populi? To my personal opinion, no it does not.

5. Discrimination is extremely prevalent in this server if you look for it. (Whether it's for: disability, age, sex, sexual orientation, etc.) The term most used in colleges are microaggressions, which are casual degradation of any marginalized group. Some players are often excluded from social groups and their own public Discord based on rumors and lies most of them time. I have witnessed many leave because of how they are treated, spoken to, and handled during sensitive moments in their lives. And as myself, I have dealt with those actions unknowing of what was going on. A supportive community should lift others up and cheer them on- instead this community at times can become vile and hostile creating social bullying. Any staff members found to be doing this shouldn't be in their position and should be re-evaluated. Personally.

While many others enjoy the server and it's inhabitants, I find it filled with High School drama and petty acts. Many of which I will willingly admit that I am guilty of as well in the past. If you're looking for a more professional server that has a better quality of organization, this server isn't for you. Once upon a time, it was for me. It was a place I called my home for years and is one that I feel I have left based off of the treatment from the community and those in power currently.
12/24/2018 2:02 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Miner
anonpmc13774's Avatar
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