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11thShadowDragon's Avatar 11thShadowDragon
Level 29 : Expert Mage
I was bored, so I assembled a nature-themed modpack and started building using the given resources. Since I'm using a superflat world, I edited the the terrain around the structure itself to help make it feel less out of place. I changed the biome as well, completing the swamp house look. Since there are a LOT of mods in in this modpack, comment down below if you have any questions about which mod a block/item comes from and I'll respond as soon as I can. This way I can cover what exactly someone wants to know without having to make anyone comb through a tedious list of what's-from-where.

IMPORTANT: Note that I did NOT create any of the mods present, I only utilized them. All credit to the mod makers!
CreditThe fabulous people that created the mods used!
Progress90% complete

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12/31/2015 12:49 am
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