Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Warden - Star Wars - ISD2 (1/4 Scale) [Will be updated]

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GhostlyFaced's Avatar GhostlyFaced
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
This is my submission for the Military Builders Sci-Fi Contest.

-Version 1.16.4 Java
-Blender 2.8
-Shader BSL
-Build is presented in vanilla

is the first of it's kind. Shortly after the first series of ISD2's entered Imperial service it became apparent that despite their incredible firepower, and their non-stop production, they would prove insufficient to ensure order within the millions of systems under Imperial jurisdiction. Thus was a new variant commissioned, a new line intended to be able to exert control over entire sectors and explore, potentially even into the unknown regions, while operating alone. To do this a prototype Ionization reactor was developed and the extra space was committed to significantly expanded hangar bays, storage areas, and weaponry.
  Broadside cannons were added near the main hangar inlet to devastate any potential rebel or pirate corvettes trying to prey upon fighters in their moment of vulnerability in leaving and entering. Additional anti-snub fighter single and quad blasters blasters also lined the main opening. The increased fighter complement would be imperative to enforce space superiority over smaller, faster vessels. To support it's expeditionary role it would come standard with dozens of scout bikes and their troopers, months worth of rations, munitions, and fuel. A small greenhouse was even included to increase longevity with the potential for operating outside normal supply lines in mind.
  The new line, titled the Enforcer variant [​ISD2-EC1], would unfortunately not see combat before the Battle of Endor, with the Warden entering service, but six months prior. However, it had begun it's original orders and it's last known position had been leaving the Corellian Trade Spine and passing Bakura, not to be heard from again.

This build is incomplete. I plan on filling out the interior, and potentially adding more detail to the exterior. Download will be updated upon completion. There will be a survival world version, fully functional as a base.

Downloads of any version of my map may be used in any way you like, as long as I am credited in some way. If it is used on a server I'd appreciate an invite.
Progress60% complete

8 Update Logs

Update #8 | Updated Download, Unknown Completion Date : by GhostlyFaced 02/08/2022 9:48:57 pmFeb 8th, 2022

It's been an interesting year. Unfortunately, due to various events and a sort of 'writer's block,' I have not been able to meet any of my intended update and completion goals. At this time I am unsure of when it will be finished, though I certainly still intend to finish it, I am posting what I have for you to enjoy. It is still fairly skeletal, but I have had multiple comments asking for the updated editions, and without a consistent update schedule I will no longer make those following the project wait for the full release. At least until I can get back on something resembling a consistent update/release schedule.

If for some reason you don't spawn at the Destroyer or get lost it is roughly at:
-1500, 4100

P.S. While I may currently not be making significant headway, this does provide a good opportunity for feedback on the interior thus far. I hope you like what there is so far and the direction it is going in.

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03/02/2022 5:27 am
Level 1 : New Miner
OmegaBaseBuilder's Avatar
is the updated star destroyer released?
02/25/2022 4:45 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Architect
DiamondOli4's Avatar
I looked at the picture and first I thought it was a foto from the internet but then i saw it was all Minecraft. Kudo’s to you!
02/14/2022 2:06 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ImAdde's Avatar
Hello! So im checking out the ship and I did notice that some redstone doors aint working like they should. There are 4 2x3 doors that just half the door opens. The half that did not open had a redstone wire going over a sea lantern wich I found awas the problem. And I wonder why is there a sorting system and do the commandblocks have a purpose?
02/15/2022 12:11 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
GhostlyFaced's Avatar
Sometimes doors break when world editing. I'll go through and fix them on full release. As for most 2x3 doors, only a 2x1 is intended to open with the rest intended to look like a bulkhead as having all of them functional would not be space conservative enough. I'll go through and check the doors in any case.

The sorting system is to better make it useful as a base in a survival world. I intend for you to have to pay or do something to get aboard, but then you can use it as a primary or secondary base.

The command blocks do a wide variety of things. The ones around the training area summon monsters and weapons when not in peaceful, but the raid mode (endless mode) and rewards aren't done.

EDIT: Also, 2 2x3 around the mess and galley can be locked open or closed, which may be the ones you are talking about. The levers are in an indent on the left as you enter the mess.
02/21/2022 4:35 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
ImAdde's Avatar
Thank you for the answer. I found out that the mess and galley door was of before. Juste the dubble 2x3 doors I saw as broken. I don't get the mobs to spawn in the training thing but I see the idea. If you have the time and want to it would be nice with a map without commandblocks since im building in survival but no need to do it.
02/13/2022 11:19 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Varano3's Avatar
All the lights appear as white concrete, is it a bug or is there an option in the ship to activate it?
02/14/2022 1:58 am
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
GhostlyFaced's Avatar
A mistake on my part. I build it with colored concrete so that they can be easily worldedit-ed to colored lights for modded Minecraft or Bedrock RTX. I've swapped them for sea lanterns and re-uploaded now.
02/14/2022 9:35 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Varano3's Avatar
Thanks, The ship was incredible without lights, but with lights... Wow
02/15/2022 12:12 pm
Level 36 : Artisan Architect
GhostlyFaced's Avatar
Thanks :)
02/09/2022 2:23 am
Level 1 : New Miner
PommesGuru_'s Avatar
i do not can dowload dis.
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