Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Vanguard Custom NPCs Medieval Map

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King of Bananas's Avatar King of Bananas
Level 17 : Journeyman Network


Vanguard is a Skyrim-based adventure map utilizing the Custom NPC’s mod. This mod was originally started back in 2014 when my friend and I came up with the idea. Being an old map, it is currently in 1.7.10, but I am looking into making it a more recent version. The map has 100’s of NPC’s, each with a unique character and many having very in-depth dialogs. You can take part in a main quest line and very many side quests; additionally, I am still working on more. Although this is a map of many options, it still requires a bit of rule-following, which I will post below.


The actual Vanguard map is quite small compared to modern maps. It fits into the size of one Minecraft map. Vanguard is made up of three major cities: Findler, Byscar, and the Riffer Hold. I am still working on the map so it is possible for one more. There are many buildings and areas in between these cities, leaving the player with many opportunities to explore and partake in quests.

Vanguard is filled with both helpful and harmful NPCs. You can find bandit-filled caves or helpful NPCs drunk in taverns. Because of this great diversity in both NPCs and the map itself, there are many cool bits that we have added, my favorite being the ability to purchase houses throughout Vanguard. There are three different houses available to purchase; however, they require some work to have that option. This number does not include the rooms in Inns that you can rent as well.

History of Vanguard

This map was started in 2014, when my friend and I wanted to bring Skyrim to Minecraft. We worked very hard on the map until our ambition died off. Having only the two of us to create this massive world was strenuous. We only used world edit for a man-made mountain, the rest is all hand-made. Our work slowed down and we messed around with the map, leading to a few mix-ups leaving some of our progress deleted. We ended playing the game all together, but recently I came back to see what it was like for old time’s sake. I saw how great our work was and I didn’t want it to go to waste, so I worked on it a while. Now I’m here showing the community it to see the feedback.

Directions & Rules

Just a reminder, I have not yet completed this map and that includes furnishing the beginning. Basically, you (should) spawn in your family house. You need to talk to your father, at least, before you leave. Another note, remember this map was made for the fun and without special editing so breaking the rules is simply going to mess up your game, and will make the game not nearly as fun.

The rules of this map are the following: You cannot break anything, only use the correct keys for their correct purpose, do not take items out of weapon racks or stands that are not yours (these are for decoration and taking them will just make your game less fun), and I don’t suggest killing the NPCs because they do not respawn and killing them before completely using them for their purposes may mess up the experience.

Proceed at your own risk, many sites trick user into downloading false and sometimes harmful data
Custom NPC Mod - https://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/custom-npcs/files/2283113 (Caution, did not check for issues)
Realistic Pain Mod - http://minecraft-forum.net/minecraft-mods-downloads/1-7-2-realistic-pain-mod-download-2/
Forge (Recommend version - https://files.minecraftforge.net/maven/net/minecraftforge/forge/index_1.7.10.html
Recommended Resource Pack - http://minecrafttexturepacks.download/lokicraft-purecartoon-texture-pack/

Progress75% complete

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05/26/2017 7:49 am
Level 1 : New Miner
AcE441's Avatar
i loved that giant XD
King of Bananas
04/01/2017 11:50 am
Level 17 : Journeyman Network
King of Bananas's Avatar
Please feel free to ask questions or comment on the map itself. Also remember the map is built using Custom NPCs 1.7.10 and you can follow the links above.
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