This Map is an entry in the completed Fleets of Fortune: Pirate ship Jam.

Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

Tidal Wave - Transformers | Fleets of Fortune

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Bedrock Edition
Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
After weeks of hard work, my entry for Fleets of Fortune is complete!

Who is Tidal Wave?

Tidal Wave (known as Shockwave in Japan) is a Decepticon who first appeared in Transformers: Armada. He was a powerful warrior who could turn into a warship, or he could split into three smaller crafts: an aircraft carrier, a battleship, and a troop transport, known collectively as the Dark Fleet. He came with a Mini-Con named Ramjet, who could activate gimmicks on all three boats. The carrier had an elevator, the battleship had rotating turrets, and the transport had concealed seats for other Mini-Cons. Tidal Wave could also combine with Megatron/Galvatron, and their combined form was known in Japan as Burning Megatron. Tidal Wave reappeared in the sequel series, Energon, but was later reformatted into Mirage (Shockfleet in Japan), who turned into a gunboat based on the Cobra Moray (from G.I. Joe). (In my opinion, that was more of a downgrade.) He became a fan-favorite, and finally got a proper update of his original figure (using the Japanese coloration, as it was used in the cartoon) this year

Now, you may be asking what a warship is doing in a jam for pirate ships. Well, in the Aligned continuity novels Exiles and Retribution, the Star Seekers, a group of space pirates, piloted a ship called the Tidal Wave. When a different version of them appeared in the Wings Universe comic “Hoist the Flag” for BotCon 2014, they had the same ship. In the comic’s art, the ship was depicted as a non-transforming version of Tidal Wave’s toy design, with a mast and steering wheel added on. I had seen the jam and thought it’d be a cool project to work on, and I’m glad I did it.

Tidal Wave
Tidal Wave - Transformers | Fleets of Fortune Minecraft Map
His appearance in the Armada cartoon, from "Awakening"
Tidal Wave - Transformers | Fleets of Fortune Minecraft Map
Burning Galvatron, from "Cramp"
Tidal Wave - Transformers | Fleets of Fortune Minecraft Map
Tidal Wave in the Energon cartoon, from "Megatron's Sword"

Mirage in the Energon cartoon, from "Unicron Unleashed"

Giga-Con Class Tidal Wave (and Ramjet), from the Armada toyline

Burning Megatron's toy (Megatron + Leader-1 + Tidal Wave)

MD-06 Shockwave (w/ Sonic), from the Legends of the Microns toyline

Mega Class Mirage/SD-15 Shockfleet, from the Energon toyline

Titan Class Armada Universe Tidal Wave (and the Burning Megatron), from Legacy: United

A Brief Overview

This map is based on the combined version of Tidal Wave's ship mode. References images are included below. The exterior is based directly on said reference images, but the interior is a design I came up with myself. (The anchor controls and fishing area on the deck are also things I thought of myself.) The anchor is lowered, but if you wanna modify the map so it's raised, the 3x3 piece of concrete is where the chain ends and the anchor itself begins. The ship is built primarily out of gray, dark gray, orange, green, and purple concrete, with sea lanterns being the primary light source. Iron trapdoors, spruce wood, and froglights also make appearances throughout the build.

Reference Material

Art by Hayato Sakomoto and Josh Burcham, from "Hoist the Flag" (featuring Oilin Zarak, Brimstone, Axer, Cannonball, the Chairman, and the Dread Pirate Crew)

Designed by Takashi Kunihiro (you did well, my friend)

A Detailed Overview

Starting with the exterior, the deck (aircraft carrier component) has several features to note. Left of the spawn point is the anchor, with a lever to raise or lower it. (It doesn't actually work, by the way.) Behind spawn is a steering wheel and compass, and a little down and to the right is a set of barrels and two fishing rods, enchanted with Lure III, Luck of the Sea III, Unbreaking III, and Mending. The barrels contain cod and salmon, and you can store your other catches there. On the floor of the front of the deck is a Decepticon symbol.

Behind the deck is the center of the ship, which has four double-barreled turrets, each with barrels loaded with fire charges. These turrets can be fired with buttons located within them. In the center of this section of the ship is the mast, bearing my attempt at a pixelated Star Seekers insignia, and climbing up the pole's ladder will take you to the crow's nest. Within the crow's nest is an Ender chest and a regular chest; the regular chest contains several spyglasses and a goat horn that serves as an alarm should enemy ships be sighted. Adjacent to this section are the twin bows of the battleship component, each housing a bridge on the surface and a torpedo launcher underwater. (Let's pray that the fire charges I loaded in those will still work...) Atop the starboard bow is a flagpole.

Lastly, there is the rear section of the ship, which combines to form the troop transport of the Dark Fleet. The thrusters that make this ship space-worthy are on the back, but there's not much on the top outside of the sea lanterns concealed by carpets (a feature seen across the exterior of the ship). However, each of these sections has an observation post for lookout. If any enemy ships are sighted, simply sound the alarm (the comparator) and press the button to turn on the intercom (the lever). (This is all non-functional, obviously.) Within each of these observation posts is a ladder that goes down to each of the three floors of the barracks, which brings us to the interior of the ship.


Each floor of barracks consist of 16 rooms split across two sides. The rooms are numbered like so: "[​side]-[​floor]-[​room #]." For example, the captain's quarters on the first floor of the port side barracks is A-1-01. Note that the rooms on the left side of the port barracks and the right side of the starboard's are 1 block wider than their counterparts across the hall. Rooms 1 and 16 on every floor of both barracks are also longer, as they are for the more important crew members. The two co-captains of the ship (Cannonball the 5th and Thundertron) inhabit rooms A-1-01 and B-1-01, respectively. The bookshelves of their rooms contain several books, including the crew manifest. The 2-01 rooms of both sides have doors leading into the wings of the ship, an interesting design feature that the quartermaster (Brimstone) discovered when he spent his first night in that room.

Each hallway ends with a pair of fish tanks, with the exception of the inner sections of the second floors. Those lead into the "in-between" part of the ship, a set of rooms that lead into the engine room. (For anyone wondering, this is Tidal Wave's crotch and thighs.) The center of this section has a 3x2 window that allows you to view the ocean behind the ship. Rumor has it that the "in-between" section is where Captain Cannonball's secret treasure room is located, but no one dares look for it, not even Thundertron.

At the center of the engine room is the ship's power core, which is maintained by Dread Pirate crewmen from the two levels of catwalks. The core has four tubes that pump energon to the cannons above to power them. On the ground below the catwalks, which is accessible via the ladders connected to the observation deck, there are four sections. One section is empty, as it's where the ladders lead to. The section next to contains an enchanting table, a chest full of lapis, and the 15 bookshelves necessary to bolster its power. Next to that section is the industrial area, which has a smelter (the ship's trash can) and two chests containing metal and energon. Lastly, next to the industrial area is a set of furnaces (with fuel in the chest next to it), 3 workbenches, an anvil, and 3 smithing tables. (Fun Fact: the reason this section of the ship is the engine room is because it's the part that becomes Tidal Wave's chest when he transforms, so logically, the spark chamber - his power core - should be here.)

The twin doors on either catwalk lead into the main hall of the ship, where most of the (important) crew members spend their time. That large room next to the doors is the captain's office, where his desk is. Also in the captain's office is a map, Ender chest, totem of undying, and his most prized possession: the ancient blade of Go Prime. (Note: by captain, I mean Cannonball, who got the office thanks to a coin toss.) Above the door is a switch, which activates a piston mechanism on the roof of the hall that in turn allows the beacons in the treasure room to turn on. The captain usually only activates it when the ship is about to go to battle, be it defensive or offensive.

In the main hall itself are two bars, both run by the chef (Thunderlane). The one on the right, the Sea Slag (a nod to Cannonball's ship in Cybertron), is a bar serving all manner of drinks from standard engex to potions concocted by Thunderlane. All the ingredients are in the barrels on the shelf, and there's a barrel beneath the brewing stands where the ingredients for negative-effect potions are stored; Thunderlane only opens it whenever one of the captains wants him to deal with someone they don't like. The bar across the floor, called the Smelting Pool, is an eatery serving fish, beef, and cake. Behind this bar is a jukebox, with a chest containing CDs to play. Across the floor from the captain's office is the medbay, containing four repair slabs, a central table to leave tools, and a set of brewing stands in the back for brewing healing potions. The ladders outside the medbay go up to a viewing deck where crew members can chill. The ladder there leads up to the exterior of the ship.

On both sides of the main hall, adjacent to the captain's office, are double doors leading to the bridges. Both bridges have controls for steering the ship when the steering wheel is not in use. They also have the autopilot activation buttons, and microphones (the lightning rods) for communication between each other. Against the walls are ladders going down to the torpedo rooms, which are exactly what they sound like. As you can guess, the chests in there contain extra ammunition.

Last but not least, there is the treasure room. Guarded 24/7 by dedicated Dread Pirates and only accessible via a trapdoor behind the captain's desk, it is where the Star Seekers store all of their loot. It is a magnificent room decorated with all sorts of gems and artifacts, a testament to the crew's skill. Upon climbing down, there is an incomplete portal, with some of the eyes needed to activated it in place and one framed on the ground. On the left side of the ladder is a mix of diamonds and amethyst, as well as a framed Nether Star and End crystal. The amethyst transitions into sculk, where various arifacts from the Deep Dark are framed. Initially, the sculk sensors were placed on the sculk, but they got too noisy, so Cannonball had them framed instead. Next to the sculk is a small display of ancient debris.

To the right of the ladder is the gold and emeralds. Golden food and several totems of undying are framed, and armor stands bearing Netherite and decorated diamond armor sets. On display atop the emeralds are three mob spawners carefully transported from caves, with torches on the sides to keep dangerous creatures from materializing. Framed on one of the emerald blocks is an elytra stolen from an End city by Skyduster. Next to the emeralds are several blocks of crying obsidian, and a pair of glowstone blocks. Between the glowstone are two respawn anchors, which the crew have been warned not to fully charge. Above these blocks is a line of frames containing every different goat horn, and above that display is an arrangement of frames containing the various armor trims. Most importantly, however, there is a full Netherite beacon, built over a manner of years out of stolen blocks, ingots, debris, and gold. The four beacons at the top have beams filtered through green and purple glass, the Star Seekers' colors. When the pistons are retracted, the beams shine through iron trapdoors, allowing them to be seen from outside.

And, with that, the written tour is done. Hope the map is as good as I say it is!

Tidal Wave's Soundtrack (yes, he has one, and yes, I came up with it)
"Uzbekistan" by Alestorm (Voyage of the Dead Marauder, 2024)
"The Last Saskatchewan Pirate" by Alestorm (Voyage of the Dead Marauder, 2024)
"Voyage of the Dead Marauder" by Alestorm (Voyage of the Dead Marauder, 2024)
"Drink" by Alestorm (Sunset on the Golden Age, 2014)
"Cry Thunder" by DragonForce (The Power Within, 2012)
"Wolfpack" by Sabaton (Primo Victoria, 2005)
"Dreadnought" by Sabaton (The War to End All Wars, 2022)
"Bismarck" by Sabaton (standalone single, 2019)

Let me know if there's any issues with the download or the map itself. Also, just a note about the pictures, I had my Bedrock Tweaks texture pack on when I took them, so there may be some minor differences between map itself and the photos. Oh, and if you fall off the ship, the way to get back onboard is to go up the purple parts of the troop transport, located behind the bows. There's one part towards the top that's two blocks high instead of one, but just break a block there and put it back when you get back. (Or, if it's raining
CreditThe geniuses at HasTak who made this character (probably the same idiots who downgraded him a year later)
Progress100% complete

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06/13/2024 9:27 am
They/Them • Level 11 : Journeyman Miner Cookie
IKadekDwi's Avatar
what this minecraft version get i playing this map😕
06/13/2024 9:42 am
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
what's wrong?
05/19/2024 2:43 pm
He/Him • Level 33 : Artisan Birb Musician
Wagnerbaum's Avatar
da do do do da da do do do do bishwo
05/19/2024 3:05 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
05/19/2024 1:53 pm
Level 52 : Grandmaster Skinner
ClayMan1077's Avatar
Nicely done!
05/19/2024 2:07 pm
He/Him • Level 56 : Grandmaster Loremaster
IGEBM's Avatar
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