Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

The Palace of Hampwick, The Parliament of Whiteburg

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WBCBuilds's Avatar WBCBuilds
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Architect
Over the last 6 months, the Team and I have been building our version of the Greenwich Royal Naval College (formally the Royal Naval Hospital and now Greenwich University), as it could have been... We took designs for some unbuilt sections of the former hospitals' chapel as sketched out by Sir Christopher Wren and his associate Nicholas Hawksmoor and brought them to life in Minecraft.

So sit back, relax and enjoy the Minecraft Timelapse Build and visual essay on the construction of the main governmental buildings in our world. Yes! this has been built on our server as the Parliament of Whiteburg and the feature piece of Whiteburg city, my Minecraft town based on a combination of buildings and designs from England, using towns such as, London, Southampton and Portsmouth. While this isn't a normal Minecraft Palace, it was once home to royalty.

This has been the biggest project the team and I have worked on in Minecraft and in doing so it really showed me just how a large scale, mega build like this takes a lot of care and attention to detail (even if the main buildings are the stars of the show, you still need flowers and lamp posts dotted around in the right places to add to that city feel)

Link to that study in paintings on the Hawksmoor scheme - www.carllaubin.com/projects/greenwich

#Minecraft #Greenwich #Palace
Progress100% complete

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01/15/2024 3:42 pm
Level 14 : Journeyman Crafter
Senaaib's Avatar
Please a download link.
09/22/2022 3:55 am
Level 1 : New Miner
yewogley's Avatar
A picture is worth a thousand words, and this is especially true when it comes to architecture. The art of designing and constructing buildings has a long history, and there are many different styles that have been developed over the years. From the soaring spires of Gothic cathedrals to the simple elegance of Japanese temples, each type of architecture has its own unique beauty. This photo essay explores some of the most iconic examples of architectural paper writing help styles from around the world. From the imposing castles of Europe to the colorful pagodas of Asia, these pictures offer a glimpse into the diverse and fascinating world of architecture.
06/11/2022 10:45 am
Level 1 : New Collective
Gimli's Avatar
жаль что не скачтаь
05/12/2022 9:20 am
Level 1 : New Miner
TWhart03's Avatar
Have you got a world download??? Would be awesome to fly around it!
03/11/2022 3:48 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
EinKampfKeks's Avatar
Hello, can i download it anywhere, i want to build some parts in my survival world? Its just awesome
02/12/2022 10:33 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Musician
Fighterbear12's Avatar
wow... this is properly magnificent! reminds me of Greenwich in England. stunning work... but really, "hampwick" doesn't sound good at all! hamp+wick?? huh? anyway.
02/13/2022 4:29 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Architect
WBCBuilds's Avatar
What wrong with Hampwick? It’s an Anglo Saxon name and could be spelt with or without the k

please explain to me what exactly sounds back about it?
05/15/2022 8:39 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Musician
Fighterbear12's Avatar
it's quite jarring, to me and doesn't make sense. i've had a google about anglo-saxon names, but so far i'm just getting weird stuff like "from the third part of the knee" for the meaning of Ham (the p doesn't mean anything apparently). and wick just means what you'd expect... the bit inside a candle. which to me made the name sound strange, as a name for a palace. it would make a lot of sense for a little village or hamlet, but for a palace it sounds odd. but it's not like it's a "problem" just something to realise. Greenwich means "green harbour", for example, whch makes sense and sounds pretty good. anyway, don't take offense... i don't mean anything by it...
05/21/2022 7:13 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Architect
WBCBuilds's Avatar
Wick means port or place of trading and is very much an anglo-saxon place name. the reason why this palace is name this way is because it's kept the name of the area around it as it's developed over the centuries . Hamp is again an anglo-saxon name for a meadow or low lying area, for me I took the Hamp part from the name Southampton or as it was also known Hampton... this could have been found very quickly with two google searches but it seems you just wanted to have a "comment" on a build you liked but needed to make the builder feel like he'd made a mistake.

also I would like to point you to a place not too far up the thames from Greenwick called "Hampton Court Palace".

Wick meaning https://www.google.com/search?q=wick+place+name+origin&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB754GB754&oq=wick+place+name&aqs=chrome.0.0i512j69i57j0i22i30j0i390l3.4822j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

Hamp meaning - https://www.google.com/search?q=hamp+place+name&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB754GB754&oq=hamp+place+name&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i13l2j0i13i30j0i8i13i30l2.5175j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
08/20/2022 1:27 pm
Level 57 : Grandmaster Musician
Fighterbear12's Avatar
hi there, seeing your reply 3 months later. you don't need to assign ulterior motives to my comment. it was simply a thought in my head, my natural reaction to the name. sounded a little strange to me. i did say i meant no offense.

i understand the name better now according to your research, yet it still sounds odd in my mind, like something i wouldn't expect to hear, even if it were in real life (i lived in England for 13 years).

sorry to have caused you trouble with my comment! honestly - good wishes to you.
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