Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

The Mad King's Fortress (a.k.a Doom Fort)

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Mad_King_Walrus's Avatar Mad_King_Walrus
Level 2 : Apprentice Miner
This abomination was constructed over the course of a good 5 or 6 months, with the help of tools like WorldEdit and MCEdit.

It is a combination of a big build and a challenge map, meant to be multiplayer.

It is complete with a tower housing fifteen ghast-ball cannons, a pipe-organ, fortifications coming out of its rear, and the whole thing is constructed in the middle of a lava lake.

The most notable thing about this map is its capability as a challenge map. A player (preferably, the the administrator,) is chosen as the King, who teleports players into the dungeon via the right button on his throne. The dungeon is a set of four challenges that are very likely to kill people. It is complete with ice parkour, a lava maze, vertical ice parkour + water, and not one but two withers at the end.

After the two withers, those in the dungeon must fight and kill the King himself, who is buffed with strength, speed, resistance, and a metric butt-ton of absorption.

Should he be dethroned, a passage out of the dungeon opens up and allows players to leave into the open world.
Creditredspyro99 (command blocks and redstone), and CarnivorousLightbulb and Rocket_Man for some minor additions to the walls.
Progress100% complete

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08/01/2015 5:43 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
Awesome!  ;)
07/31/2015 10:27 pm
Level 49 : Master Fox
Orbiter's Avatar
Not bad, not bat at all. ^-^
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