Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Tearizon - Adventure Plot City

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Averist's Avatar Averist
Level 28 : Expert Blacksmith
Small town I have been working on. I have an idea for an adventure map, and only need a 50 x 50 square of the town.

All you would need is found here for the "probably-will-never-come-to-fruition" adventure map town. Armor smith, weapon smith, tavern, general goods dealer, and shady dealer, with potential citizens just wondering the streets (when I get around to learning modding).

If you can pull an idea from this, great. If not, less great.

Also, I get to play around with new texture pack and shaders! (65% of the reason for post).

Conquest Texture Pack (Link)
SEUS Shaders (Link)
Progress100% complete

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05/31/2014 10:19 pm
Level 49 : Master Pirate
Oskeyarr's Avatar
Is it a flatmap? cities like this should be on natural place :P
Anyway i just love medieval style, and your city too.
05/31/2014 10:24 pm
Level 28 : Expert Blacksmith
Averist's Avatar
It is a flat map, yes. I plan on having about 80-90 tiles (50 x 50 plots) done of differing settings, so any terrain I make for them will be hand done rather than natural =)
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