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Bedrock Edition
Maritime Nexus's Avatar Maritime Nexus
Level 41 : Master Architect
Introducing SS BELGENLAND in Minecraft!

This is a 1:1 scale build of the Red Star Liner SS BELGENLAND! This build has an interior and features her First, Second, and Third Class spaces.

The SS Belgenland was a transatlantic ocean liner and cruise ship that was launched in Belfast, Ireland in 1914. It was initially ordered as a new flagship for the Belgian-based Red Star Line by the International Mercantile Marine Company (IMM). However, the completion of the ship was delayed due to the First World War. During the war, Germany occupied Belgium, so IMM had Belganland completed in 1917 as a cargo ship, transferred to the UK-based White Star Line and renamed Belgic. In 1918, she was converted into a troop ship. In 1922, the ship was finally fitted out as a passenger liner. In 1923, she was transferred back to Red Star Line and her name was changed back to Belgenland. From 1924 onward, she made her name making annual cruises around the World, leaving New York in November or December and returning in April the next year. She pioneered cruise ship visits to destinations including Bangkok and Bali, and steamed almost 250,000 miles without defect. Belgenland was by far the largest ship Red Star Line ever owned. In her heyday, she was the largest liner in transatlantic service between Antwerp and New York, and the largest liner to cruise around the World. In her later years she was renamed Columbia and spent her time doing cruises but operation costs started to prove too much for Red star Line. In 1936, she was sold for scrap and was broken up in Scotland.

Read this before you explore:
1) I recommend you use the Natural Texture Pack for full immersion. I exclusively build in this texture pack to give my builds a unique look and feel. Here is the Java Link.

2) I build in 1:1 scale, but building in this scale comes with limitations. Some areas may be distorted or compromised due to scale and sizing when building in 1:1. Compromises have to be made in order to complete the build. Some areas may not resemble the actual ship and in those circumstances, I have to fictionalize some aspects about the build to "balance out" the build or to allow player interaction. I fully recognize 1:1 is not a perfect scale to build in but I personally find 1:1 to be the sweet spot for me.

3) I don't build cabins, engine rooms, or crew spaces. The reason is there is little to no information on what some of these spaces actually looked like, so I'd rather not spend the time to build something that I don't have information on. There is dead space on my builds because I primarily focus on class accommodations (Lounges, Dining Rooms, etc) and tend to focus less on passenger corridors, cabins, crew spaces, etc.

Additional Credit to:
Rilhon: https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/rilhon/
SladeBlade: https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/sladeblade08/
LYUDGA: https://www.planetminecraft.com/member/lyudga/

for Reference while building Belgenland :D Check out their pages!

Additional Links for SS Belgenland!

Hear her Whistle! No Whistle found :(
Showcase video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HNHLBQAxUE

Progress100% complete

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06/07/2024 5:55 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
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