Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Sokoban Puzzle Map (Vanilla) (Difficult)

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Foxy's Avatar Foxy
Super Moderator
Level 58 : Grandmaster Fox
Depending on when you're reading this, certain parts of the map may not function properly anymore since Mojang won't stop changing command block syntax with every update. I've pretty much just given up trying to update it at this point since I know I'd have to completely rewrite everything again a few months later anyway. I'll probably fix it once they stop changing the syntax so frequently.

This is a puzzle map based on the game Sokoban. You've most likely played some form of the game before, even if you've never heard of it.

Honestly I'm a little surprised nobody else has done this before. I've been searching the inet for others but I've been unable to find even one...so yay "first" =P
There have been a few that use mods, but none that actually use purely redstone.

Number of Rooms Currently: 6

How to Play:
When the game starts, you're placed in a room with pushable blocks. Let me repeat that: PUSHABLE. You are not able to pull the blocks or move them any direction other than the direction you're facing. Because of this, if you do something like push a block into a corner, you're pretty much stuck. LUCKILY I included a reset button in the event that the puzzle becomes unsolvable. For an overview, look at the map provided. And yes, all the puzzles here are possible to finish.

Here's an example of a normal Sokoban level:

The goal of the game is to push every block onto a pad/target/trigger/etc. whatever you want to call it. Once that happens, you'll move on to the next level.

In this version, a door will open somewhere in the level that will lead to the next one so don't freak out when you aren't instantly transported to the next level.

At the moment, there are only 6 rooms.

I will be adding more puzzles to this map

Note: Not all of the puzzles that are/will appear in the map are designed by me. Some of them are recreations of puzzles from the original games or made by other people who assisted me.
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Foxy 01/20/2015 4:42:26 pmJan 20th, 2015

Fixed several giant bugs such as the fact that some of the puzzles' wiring to the reset commands were broken (I'm so sorry)
Fixed Emergency Teleport/Resets
Updated maps
Fixed some of the dialogue command blocks which were for some reason messed up.

Also added new room.

I'm aware this update came a few days late

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04/22/2020 11:51 am
Level 26 : Expert Skinner
Drachenbauer's Avatar
Can anyone please tell me, how to solve room 6?

No matter, what i try, i stuck in a setup, where i cannot push the last box onto the last trigger-spot...
11/19/2017 12:53 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
albinoEX6's Avatar
I also think that after the better together update the command fuctions wont change
11/19/2017 12:52 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Explorer
albinoEX6's Avatar
I'm almost speechless.
04/28/2017 1:17 pm
Level 43 : Master Engineer
Livigaard's Avatar
Starlight Glimmer
09/08/2015 12:01 am
Level 57 : Grandmaster Pony
Starlight Glimmer's Avatar
Isn't this a mod? I've seen a Sokoban mod.
09/08/2015 1:57 am
Level 58 : Grandmaster Fox
Foxy's Avatar
There may be a mod for sokoban but this is vanilla.
07/09/2015 5:27 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Explorer
archlordvg's Avatar
I might try it
06/21/2015 7:29 am
Level 54 : Grandmaster Mage
Spectre's Avatar
Sorry, cant download it right now xD But it seems fun!
01/21/2015 2:08 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc1061167's Avatar
01/21/2015 2:44 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Fox
Foxy's Avatar
Fixed tysm for saying (hope that doesn't mean you're the only person who's actually doing them/got that far)
This is what I get for trying to take a shortcut in building these >_< an entire row has its buttons missing

Anyway, it's fixed. Not sure if you're willing to go through all that again to get to finish that puzzle and the one room after it though. X)
If you're wanting to finish it, you might want to wait until more rooms have been added to try again since I don't have any sort of way to save people's progress between versions.
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