Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

Sky Islands - Hardcore Survival map (Very Hard)

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awesomejj101's Avatar awesomejj101
Level 20 : Expert Miner
Sky Islands is a hardcore survival map, there are five floating islands, each island unlocks new animals, ores, trees, and food. In order to get to other islands you will have to create a bridge. The objective of the game is to beat island five. What is in island five? Island five is the last island, it will contain many mob spawners, that spawns blazes. How do I beat it?

First, you will have to destory the spawners by mining the obsidian block that protects it. Second, you will have to find the two chests with the levers. Third, place the levers on the lapis block and pull them. Finally, get your tnt block place it on top of the nether bricks and blow it up. Example below:


In island five the materials you will need is:
1 Tnt
1 Redstone torch
1 Bow
2 stacks of arrows
1 or 2 water buckets
1 sword
1 diamondpickaxe

- Use mushrooms, melons, and seeds as food
- Use bone to grow wheat, melons, or coco beans faster
- Be careful mining, you might fall into the void
- Watch out for mob spawners
- Try to create a mob spawner so you will have more bone, gunpowder, and string
- Fish
- MOST OF ALL watch out for traps :D

- Do not use cheating mods such as x-ray or fly.
- In island five, you must break the mob spawners by mining the obsidian first, do not take the "shortcut way".
- In island five, you muse use the levers that are inside the chests, do not use your own crafted lever.
- Do not rage quit!!!!
- No duplicating items
- You must go to island five AT NIGHT
- Do not break any blocks in island five until you open the secret room

- Conqure all islands
- Find all the ores
- Slay the enderdragon
- Create 3 potions
- Go to the nether
- Create a melon farm
- Create a wheat farm
- create a tree farm
- Create a animal farm
- Create a house
- Create a netherwart farm
- Find the seceret chest without letting it explode ;D
- Survive as long as you can
- Enchant all your tools

Note: This is made for singleplayer only, I might make a multiplayer version later.

This map is very hard, I cant even beat it myself. If you like my hardcore survival map, please leave a diamond and favorite :D. If you would like to upload your adventure on youtube! I would love to see it!
Progress100% complete

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09/30/2012 9:37 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
09/30/2012 9:37 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
chrisrk192's Avatar
Nice work, mind if I ask what you did to make this?
09/30/2012 9:38 pm
Level 20 : Expert Miner
awesomejj101's Avatar
Used world edit tut video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YP9RXpdTJro
09/30/2012 9:42 pm
Level 5 : Apprentice Architect
chrisrk192's Avatar
Thanks, and a diamond for your work
09/30/2012 9:36 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Taco
RidgeCraft's Avatar
Woah, nice project, I diamonded it, and I think it deserves a lot more recognition. This project also deserves a lot of recognition, so check it out http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/water-angel-amazing-water-floating-on-air/
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