Minecraft Maps / Water Structure

Seventy-Four Gun Ship of the Line

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Ttnarg's Avatar Ttnarg
Level 31 : Artisan Pirate
Work in progress, I know I say that often, but this one I truly plan to finish interior and set up my first world download.
*If someone has name ideas feel free to share, though HMS will go in front of it.

British seventy four gun ship of the line. Not followed off any particular ship however I did look at the HMS Bellephron a bit more than others. A third rate ship of the line such as this would have been a third rate and could serve in the line of battle (hence the name) or be a flagship to an overseas squadron. This ship is in battle sails to make it easier to see the deck. It is not completely cleared for action though.

The stern took me a while to get right and I looked at several model ships as well as images of the HMS Victory. Interior wise, (still in progress) as it is difficult to find interior layouts of seventy fours, I am making use of the HMS Victory once again, however making do with the one less gun deck.

It is 1:1 scale or as close as I could make it, its harder than it looks when its minecraft. I am using 1 block as 1 meter roughly.

Length: 52 blocks
Beam: 15 blocks
Mainmast height: 45 blocks

Shaders: https://sonicether.com/seus/
Progress70% complete

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11/02/2019 1:14 pm
Level 51 : Grandmaster Cyborg
TiredBear's Avatar
This looks really nice. Looking forward to see more stuff like this from you!
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