This Map is an entry in the completed Buccaneer Bay Build Contest.

Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Port Royal: The Buccaneer Paradise

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OneSidedBattle's Avatar OneSidedBattle
Level 68 : High Grandmaster Geek
Welcome to the wickedest city on earth!
Being the student of history that I am I was motivated to create something that was not only a build but also a piece of history reconstructed. I utilized the limited archeological data that is available as well as other reconstructions of the city to bring it to life. Where many people hear the words “pirate” and think only of fantasy I think of the real people who set out towards the new world to make a new life for themselves on the high seas.

And so I present to you the city of Port Royal, Jamaica as it would have been in the mid 1680s. Built on a nine square kilometer map and containing 400+ individual buildings it's easily the largest and most expansive project I've ever made.
A General History of Port Royal:
In history there was only one place that could truly call itself a buccaneer bay; Kingston Harbor. And at the mouth of this great harbor on a narrow spit of land lies one of the richest and largest cities in the new world; Port Royal. But to understand why the city became a haven for pirates and privateers some history is needed.

The land where Port Royal would sit was first settled by Europeans in 1494 when the Spanish landed on the island of Jamaica. The Spanish never found the gold or silver they were looking for, only land for growing sugarcane and the large deep water anchorage of Kingston harbor. By 1509 a permanent settlement was established at the end of the long tombolo that shelters Kingston harbor.

146 years would pass in peace until the English invasion of Jamaica in 1655. Though the English would take the strategically unimportant island easily more than half of the occupying force would die of malnutrition and sickness.

Having no real defenses and fearing a Spanish counterattack in 1657 Governor Edward D'Oley invited the Brethren of the Coast to sail from Port Royal. These English and French buccaneers would ward off any Spanish effort to retake Jamaica and in exchange would be given letters of marque. Free to raid Spanish shipping along the many trade routes that ran past the island.

Over the years the ill gotten wealth brought in by these privateers would make Port Royal the richest city in the new world. Dominated by multi story brick buildings the likes of which would only be seen in the great cities of Europe. Though the lifestyle of privateers and pirates created many an opportunity for those wishing to “entertain” the sailors during their time in port. Indeed at one time there was purported to be one drinking establishment for every ten residents of the city.

All this would

A special thanks to Sean and DaemonBONK for helping out with some of the buildings around the city and saving me some valuable time.
Progress95% complete

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05/19/2021 10:11 am
Level 1 : New Miner
LordReginn9's Avatar
Its even cooler that is built 1:1 to the original!
04/08/2021 7:44 pm
Level 54 : Grandmaster Architect
Uknownymous's Avatar
I like this quite a bit. :D This could not be more explicitly a buccaneer bay than it already is; you hit the theme dead on with a lovely build to show for it. :)
04/01/2021 12:06 pm
Level 24 : Expert Pixel Painter
CEO_Reuben's Avatar
This doesn't look exactly like I remember it from Pirates of the Caribbean (probably because this is the real life Port Royal and not the PotC one lol) but a build of this scale is impressive nonetheless
Mr Sthag
03/31/2021 5:45 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Mr Sthag's Avatar
It's really good, You can add frunishings? Thank you
03/30/2021 6:51 am
Level 22 : Expert Engineer
Cclade's Avatar
You can build space ships, normal ships, space ships of all different movies, and now ports? What can you not build? You are the very definition of omnidextrious! Such an amazing build!
03/30/2021 12:22 am
Level 35 : Artisan Architect Fish
Theotmt's Avatar

Well, not really, but I said it as a idea, but good job!, hope this wins the contest ;D
03/29/2021 9:24 pm
Level 40 : Master Artist
WelseLeachs's Avatar
The idea of ​​that city as such seems interesting to me.
03/29/2021 9:23 pm
Level 40 : Master Artist
WelseLeachs's Avatar
I remember seeing it on a history show.
03/29/2021 11:19 am
Level 1 : New Miner
NorthernGrace's Avatar
Oh wow this is amazing!
Have a diamond!
Are you going to make this a download?
03/29/2021 9:59 am
Level 34 : Artisan Scribe
Annuminas's Avatar
I like seeing history in Minecraft. Simple as that. Have a diamond and a favorite!
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