Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

''Nova'' redstone device v 1.0

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c danovich's Avatar c danovich
Level 40 : Master Musician
sorry to post this out in the blue without much discription
i just put it here to remind myself to upload all of it tomorrow, it is 02.30 in the morning now, and i need to get up at 9 so i dont have the time to write something in detail

it is a merger of a tnt-cannon and multiple arrowcannons shot through lava so it gives tnt+flaming arrows, just for awesomeness

dont vote down, this is merely a note to self, please wait till tomorrow, i will fully update this project by then:)

i finished work on the project, it works but not to satisfaction of me, the preformance could be better
still, it works, so i figured i could upload it here
it comes pre-loaded, so only reload in the same manner, i know there is capacity for more tnt, but don't, you would blow up the cannon,,,,

so this is how it works in simplified manners,
the first block contains a memory cell, in it's state after import, the momory cell disables the blinking devices, causing the dispensers to not fire at the tnt
when you push the button the memory cell deactivates it's hold on the blinking devices causing them to let the dispensers fire at the tnt projectile at maximum speed. in the meantime a pulse makes it way around the memory cell, when the pulse arrives, it disables the dispensers again by changing the state of the memory cell.
on top of the memory cell a delayed pulse activates the engine tnt, wich causes the shot tnt to be launched in mid-air

this version will be no longer updated, a more powerfull version will be posted by the UTD, i will add the link later
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by c danovich 05/31/2011 1:44:02 pmMay 31st, 2011


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05/07/2011 8:08 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
caseyds620's Avatar
Nice job. I really like the idea, not enough screens though.
05/31/2011 2:52 pm
Level 10 : Journeyman Crafter
caseyds620's Avatar
And now, 24 days later, I know what it is!
Planet Minecraft


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