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TheMalas's Avatar TheMalas
Level 21 : Expert Miner
Monkey's Illusion is an Adventure/Puzzle map. The map features different types of puzzle, weapons, items, music and a fun enemy AI.

This map has been made in only 3 days for the Yeggs' Spring map jam, if you don't know who they are, i recommend you to check out their website https://www.yeggs.org/ .

The map is available to download on the 'The Brickmasons' website ^-^ https://www.brickmasonsmc.com/home .

The Map is now playable in 1.16.5.

.Update v0.3

-The map is now playable in multiplayer(1-4 players). The update also include a new weapon, new enemies, different difficulties and a new level.
If you play the map in multiplayer you can download the resourcepack at www.mediafire.com/file/du14sq7mrnomu6v/monkey%2527s_illusion_rp.zip/file

If you manage to finish the map on permadeath difficulty and unlock the achievement, send me a dm on discord (TheMalas#7506) with a screenshot and You'll be credited in a future version of the map^-^

.Update v0.4

-Bug fixes.

.Update v0.5

-Added more hints and tutorial.
-Made the Gravity-Glove mechanic easier to learn.

.Update v0.7

-Updated to 1.16.5.
-New keybinding. (easier to learn and use)
-more balanced difficulties.
-Bug fixes.

Download: https://www.brickmasonsmc.com/creations/maps/monkeys-illusion (not updated yet)
CreditThanks Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio for the kickass music XD
Progress100% complete

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05/16/2021 2:30 pm
Level 35 : Artisan Spleefer
Zedwick's Avatar
I really enjoyed playing through this map, you've made something very impressive in such a short amount of time!

I originally played on v0.5 and found the item switching a little confusing but I soon got the hang of it - and now in v0.7 you've made it much easier to use!

I have a few bits of feedback:

  • I didn't realise how to use the jump pad initially, so got stuck for a bit there.
  • This was only tested on v0.5: I left the game running whilst I idled in the room where you get the machine gun, and everything seemed to end up despawning somehow. I stood on the right after entering the room (beyond the wall). Not sure which dimension I was in, or the exact steps I had taken up to that point.
  • If a friends is late to join, and wants to play after we have already started the game then they are stuck in the lobby. Could you add support for late-joins?
  • in the room with the plate activation box beyond a lava/slime pit, which would provide 2 jump pads when taken to the plate, I managed to throw the box on top of one of the air ducts(?) when trying to throw it back towards the plate. I could not progress at all and had to reset. Tested in v0.7. (Did my throw distance increase since v0.5? Seemed to go further)
Thanks for making this, and continuing to improve it. It's fun! ^_^
06/08/2021 5:07 am
Level 21 : Expert Miner
TheMalas's Avatar
Thank you so much for the feedback^-^
I already fixed some of these problems in the new version of the map(not released yet) but i will try to work on all of them.
Thank you for playing the map and giving feedback^-^
04/11/2021 3:11 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Warrior
TBlazeWarriorT's Avatar
I didn't want to play on easy, but surely playing on hard (and being stuck at that difficulty) was an even bigger mistake
I enjoyed the map, but can't really say I enjoyed combat at all, as I almost literally spent more time dead than alive. Hard difficulty shouly maybe be renamed to BRUTAL instead. Or maybe I'm just really bad at this map. Probably both.
Each mob felt like a stronger version of myself. Enemy pistols dealt 10x as much as mine. My pistols would shoot rubber bullets at best; Punching enemies does more damage than the pistol even though there are no melee weapons; Throwing the enemies at lava is almost always the best way to kill them. The shotgun was OK but it'd be just always out of ammo. it is impossible to shoot enemies without getting shot. The golems (big robots) dont even target you, at least, otherwise I'd have probably rage quit the map as the only thing that kills them is 200 machine gun rounds, that take roughly 3 hours to save up with how miserable the amount of ammo the player has is.
Other than that, the resource pack could have also replaced the red fire effect when the player is on fire with nothing/green effects, as that gave away that the acid was lava, breaking a bit of the magic each of the hundred times I fell on it.
04/16/2021 9:51 am
Level 21 : Expert Miner
TheMalas's Avatar
I'm sorry that you did't enjoyed the combat sessions :( . The hard difficulty is meant to be a lot harder than easy mode but not that much. While i tested the map i didn't found many problems with this difficulty but it's for sure because i played it for a lot more time then anybody else. I' m really sorry for this._. but thank you for the feedback^-^
05/02/2021 3:59 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Warrior
TBlazeWarriorT's Avatar
No problem. Overall the map was still pretty great and the visuals and mechanics on it impressed me a lot, you did a good job
03/31/2021 6:56 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
Mass_Ingestion's Avatar
I can't for the life of me figure out the (i think) third stage, where you get the illusioner and are trying to find the weapon. Any hints at all? Love it so far btw
04/01/2021 2:46 am
Level 21 : Expert Miner
TheMalas's Avatar
If you are stuck in any puzzle, You can check out the playthrough of the map youtu.be/T7EWRocEdDQ . Thank you for playing the map and giving feedback^-^
04/01/2021 6:22 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Dragon
Mass_Ingestion's Avatar
I will give a slight critique; in one level (the first gorilla level) there is a respawning ammo block. I was able to farm this easily, so maybe fix that? Idk. But I'm loving it so far!
04/01/2021 6:38 pm
Level 21 : Expert Miner
TheMalas's Avatar
Yeah i'll probably make it less op. Thank you so much for the feedback and i'm glad that you are loving the map^-^
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