Minecraft Maps / Other

Miners Life! (Board Game)

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Turtlexing's Avatar Turtlexing
Level 38 : Artisan Engineer
I Made this for a mini contest on the forums.
link to the other competitors submissions here:

Because of time restrictions I didn't have time to incorporate all that i wanted to, so expect a major update to the map soon where i will make the buildings prettier and add more interactivity and redstone fancifuls. 20 Days is not enough time to fully complete something like this. But in it's essence here is Miners Life! It is based on the board game "The game of Life" by Hazbro (credit for the inspiration goes to them i guess.)

There is a bunch of little quips and references to minecraft youtubers and the PMC community which was something i really enjoyed adding. I hope you get them, but if you don't then don't feel bad.

May we cross paths again,
CreditHazbro The Game of Life
Progress95% complete

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10/03/2013 5:25 pm
Level 45 : Master Necromancer
LordEdit's Avatar
because of the lack of entries i have decided to cancel the contest. great entry though. you would have won due to being the only one to enter. Gus was the other judge lol so he couldn't win. thanks anyways.
10/03/2013 8:11 pm
Level 38 : Artisan Engineer
Turtlexing's Avatar
Darn. And i put in all that effort... You should have tried to publicize it more...
10/03/2013 10:27 pm
Level 45 : Master Necromancer
LordEdit's Avatar
i advertised like crazy! i was in chat everyday this month advertising and i had others advertising too! i had so many people say they would enter and then no one did.
10/04/2013 1:40 am
Level 38 : Artisan Engineer
Turtlexing's Avatar
Aww that sucks man. maybe if you extended the contest entry time to like the end of this month? maybe you will get more entries then.
10/04/2013 3:25 am
Level 45 : Master Necromancer
LordEdit's Avatar
i gave a full month to complete your entries. that is more than enough time. im just not popular enough to host a contest.
Kinz Craft
10/11/2013 9:24 pm
Level 22 : Expert Farmer
Kinz Craft's Avatar
I was just too busy I would have loved to enter. I would have made an interesting 3D snakes and ladders! It would have simple rules I liked the contest idea you should try again sometime.
Kinz Craft
09/30/2013 11:46 pm
Level 22 : Expert Farmer
Kinz Craft's Avatar
er ma gerd it's soo beautiful! great job Turtle. <3
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