Minecraft Maps / Other

Minecraft Kingdoms Roleplay

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Atherza's Avatar Atherza
Level 6 : Apprentice Architect
We are currently building a huge Medieval Fantasy Roleplay, for Minecraft (BTU). This will contain 9 Kingdoms, including 3 Magic/Mythical Kingdoms, 4 'Normal' Kingdoms, Bandit Kingdom, and a 'Hell/Demonic' Kingdom. It will hold 300+ players at a time and will be played by our community, which has 30,000+ players. Currently, we are working on Elkryth, which is mainly a smaller farming/lumber Kingdom. Elkryth gives resources to the main huge kingdom called 'Aldryth'. I will continue to post screenshots, and updates on how it is going.

Also, we are currently recruiting Staff/Builders/Developers. So if you're interested, leave a comment below, and we will get back to you. Our discord server is: https://discordapp.com/invite/KcN5we6 Website: https://mkservers.weebly.com
CreditHazboy249, ChEeZyTiGeR2590, MacAttackxAdams
Progress5% complete

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09/30/2017 4:18 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
Its_Atka's Avatar
I've recently gotten back into Minecraft a few days ago. I left at the end of 2015. I've been having trouble finding a decent fantasy/medieval server that heavy on roleplaying. I have experience in both owning a server and being an admin. I'm not all strong at building but I'm a pretty good writer if you need backgrounds for your kingdoms!
09/30/2017 3:51 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Hazboy249's Avatar
Thanks for the credit! cant wait to see if people join and help!
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