This Map is an entry in the completed PMC Server Spawn Contest.

Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Spaceship 17: Sekai-class

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Foxy's Avatar Foxy
Super Moderator
Level 58 : Grandmaster Fox
Manufacturer: Miraculum State Airforce
Price: N/A

Welcome aboard the Miraculum Air Ship Sekai, the new pride of the Miraculum Airforce. This experimental generation ship, once home to a small testificate civilization, was repurposed to serve as a majestic server spawn ship after the testificate population-erm *cough* *cough*....moved.


Moving on!

This magnificent ship features:
  • A small rule room for all newcomers when they first enter the server. Be sure to read every last one of them or you may be subject to an immediate ejection from the server program through the use of a large digital mallet of justice, otherwise known as the BanHammer.
  • A state of the art teleportation machine that warps players within to the ground below. (To get the full effect of this machine, it would be best to watch from outside as another player activates it and is teleported). This device is designed to shut off at once if a player inside happens to decide to remain onboard rather than be teleported down.
  • A cozy Admin office lining the top of the main lobby, only accessible to those who can fly or alter protected areas. Inside, a jukebox for atmosphere, weather controls, event and arena controls, and a simple, easy escape from annoying players asking for moderator positions may be found.
  • A railway that carries passengers to and from the large server shop located in the bow region. Due to such a store requiring certain plugins or mods, a lever located in the Admin Office is available for sealing this railway off from the public.
  • A large lobby in the back of the ship where news is posted and the symbol of the current server is displayed. This lobby serves as a central hub for the ship with tunnels leading off to all rooms accessible. Along the top ridge of this lobby lies the admin office and to either side lie the Teleporter and the Railway.
  • An enormous arena for various server events, contests, minigames, meetings, or whatever else an admin could think of, lies in the middle of the ship and takes up the majority of the interior space. Classic minigames such as

  1. PVP- Players hunt down and terminate each other after spreading across the field and waiting for the admin's signal. Last man standing is crowned the victor.
  2. Survival- Players team up and try to survive the monsters of the night, day after day until only one is left alive. There are several camping spots located around the arena specifically for this purpose. Backstabbing is allowed but discouraged and will likely be met with a barrage of attacks from angry teammates.
  3. Drop Party- Admins soar above hoards of server members while tossing items, both valuable and cheap across the landscape. No fighting please.
and many more may be played scheduled or spontaneously, depending on the will of the admin.

One of the greatest benefits of the M.A.S. Sekai is its convenient placement. Such a spawn allows it to exist just about anywhere in the world while also refraining from interfering with the surrounding environment, granting more building space for players than a city or massive castle taking up half the world would allow.

Jump aboard today!

Please make sure sound is on when viewing.
When downloading schematic, minecarts may become glitched. Sorry about this, that's just how it works sometimes. The mediafire world save shouldn't do this.
In the mediafire world save, unless I've completely screwed this up, you should first appear on a platform near the back of the ship on the starboard side outside the ship.

Additional Notes

NOTE: while this may be the same shape as some of my other builds, it is in no way a duplicate of any upload

I wanted to do something unique so instead of making a city, castle, fort, building, etc, I made an airship. I can't say I've seen many of those entered yet...then again I haven't really looked amazingly long at all the entries yet...guess I'll do that soon.

This was a solo build.

I did have a few more cool features I wanted to add but I ran out of time...oh well I'll just add them in sometime after the contest ends
Creditminecart subway inspired by minecraft-pg5, Shader used: Sonic Ether's Incredible Shaders, AND thank you to my brother whose computer I snuck onto and used without asking so I could use his shaders. Hopefully he doesn't ever read this or find out.
Progress95% complete

5 Update Logs

Update #5 : by Foxy 01/08/2014 11:01:26 pmJan 8th, 2014

added shuttle hangar and corresponding hallways (yes there is finally a way to get into the ship from the outside)
added and started many smaller things

sitting in a minecart onboard the shuttle, standing in the teleporter off of the main lobby, and a certain button in the admin office will all teleport you
I STRONGLY RECOMMEND changing the coordinates in the command blocks to fit your world before you use any of these.

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03/23/2016 2:45 pm
Level 18 : Journeyman Blacksmith
Foxy_the_Pirate_10's Avatar
03/23/2016 3:40 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Fox
Foxy's Avatar
05/06/2014 11:36 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Artist
Torborn's Avatar
That's pretty incedible :0
Darth Hansen253
03/03/2014 10:59 pm
Level 28 : Expert Engineer
Darth Hansen253's Avatar
looks like a star destroyer :D
01/30/2014 3:45 pm
Level 39 : Artisan Architect
Lexudon's Avatar
Looks very interesting :P
01/08/2014 11:09 pm
Level 41 : Master Mage
TaintedEnergy's Avatar
641 Views, 27 Downloads xD
01/08/2014 11:15 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Fox
Foxy's Avatar
and 12 diamonds of those 27 who looked at it
ok i don't know that for a fact
09/08/2013 9:30 am
Level 1 : New Network
mommy701's Avatar
Nice job! I like the lighting effects!
08/13/2013 10:36 pm
Level 29 : Expert Engineer
henharm's Avatar
Um. I figured it out, but It was difficult to figuure out how to start up the mine cart track (very cool, by the way)
Also, a sign maybe saying whether the lever should be up or down to lock the door, and a material other than white wool? I couldn't tell the difference from when i was in admin office and server shop. The schematic still has coords on the ground teleport as well, which caught me by surprise.

I hope this helps! I really like it!
08/13/2013 11:14 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Fox
Foxy's Avatar
ik teleports with command blocks don't do well in schematics since they're almost never placed at the exact same coords in the worlds they're imported into so it's pretty much impossible to have that working without some modification by the downloader (i should probably specify that in the build)
also the minecarts seem to have problems traveling through schematics (i think because they're entities rather than blocks) so i probably should put instructions for that too inside the ship
and the levers....idk why i never added an on/off guide thing. thx for that
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