Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Spaceship 04: Moneret-class

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Foxy's Avatar Foxy
Super Moderator
Level 58 : Grandmaster Fox
Manufacturer: Roman Mechanics
Price: 800k Miraculan Triens
Class: Cruiser

First ship I ever made

Finished a few years ago then I forgot about it. Then I found it. Now I've completely renovated it by replacing just about all of the base blocks (used to be iron blocks with gold blocks running down the middle), assigning and filling the rooms in it (at least most of them), and adding new weapon systems. The redstone wiring I'll admit isn't the best, but then again I made it not long after starting Minecraft and I didn't know really what I was doing. I've tried to adjust them to be more efficient but it still could have been better, but hey they still work.
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by Foxy 12/26/2014 2:32:01 amDec 26th, 2014

First update ever woot
Completely redid interior and wiring, added renders, added downloads.

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02/07/2018 3:19 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Dragon
End_Master_1000's Avatar
Awesome ship, Foxy! It might be the ship or my horrible red stone skills, but it blew itself up when I used the TNT cannons. I love all of your ships, they are great! I'd say my favorite is the new Opera-class, but it's not done yet. My favorite that IS done is the Rhapsody-class. You spent five years on it, right? That's something!
02/08/2018 1:26 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Fox
Foxy's Avatar
This ship's from 5 years ago and hadn't been updated anytime recently so the redstone inside probably won't work properly in the latest version.

Opera probably won't be finished anytime soon unfortunately since I'm busy with other projects at the moment.

Rhapsody took around 6 months to build in total, but I shelved the project for a few years shortly after starting it and only recently got around to working on it again to finish it. I made the page for it when I started building it though so that's why it might look older.
05/27/2018 9:45 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Dragon
End_Master_1000's Avatar
In the version I downloaded of the Rhapsody I added some command block teleporters. Those are probably my first working command block creation lol
Basically just command blocks with pressure plates on them though, nothing special
06/26/2017 12:38 pm
Level 3 : Apprentice Architect
featheredsatellite's Avatar
to me, wool is just unprofessional, you could ask someone to make a texture pack or something to make the wool a flat white, and the signs and levers/redstone stuff more... Futuristic and clean, instead of these dirty default textures. It would look a lot more appealing up close that way.
06/26/2017 2:56 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Fox
Foxy's Avatar
Up until recently, wool was the best texture to use for a white hull. Other white blocks were either tinted some color besides white like with white clay, or had a distinct outline like quartz which made certain curves look really bad on smaller ships and made the hull look blocky and tiled. Wool texture blends so that you can't easily tell where one block ends and the other begins, making the hull look more connected.

Now that white concrete's been released though, I'll probably start replacing the hulls with that.
06/28/2017 10:54 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Architect
featheredsatellite's Avatar
I just remembered the concrete when I was done typing out the first comment, most of these comments were written late at night when my brain wasn't functioning at 100%, ( ͡°⊱ ͡°)
01/02/2015 11:24 pm
Level 7 : Apprentice Explorer
Wallace104's Avatar
Damn Foxy i smacked that download button!
12/26/2014 6:55 am
Level 32 : Artisan Network
Afrobot2300's Avatar
Just a question, not meaning to be rude but why wool xD?
12/27/2014 11:17 pm
Level 58 : Grandmaster Fox
Foxy's Avatar
Because its texture is the closest to being completely white out of all the blocks in vanilla.
Quartz has a yellowish tinge and has an outline which makes it look really blocky while wool's texture is more continuous so the blocks flow together more and make it much harder to tell where one block begins and the other ends.
In actual ship battles the wool's replaced with Diorite but for display purposes it's wool.
05/04/2013 8:46 pm
Level 48 : Master Botanist
Sbia's Avatar
goddamn this thing looks cool, especially the bridge control system
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